
agof academy

An educational institution close to business practice offered by agof – Arbeitsgemeinschaft Online Forschung [German association of online research]


Practice-oriented seminars on online media planning with TOP and on online marketing using agof’s studies.

Click here for our detailed seminar catalog.


The agof academy is the logical extension of agof’s market-oriented activities. Its aim is to provide interested market partners with the necessary know-how on how to use TOP modular and agof’s market media study daily digital facts in online media planning and online marketing. With the daily digital facts, non-overlapping analyzes and planning of stationary and mobile offers can be created. Evaluations and planning can also be made on the basis of freely selectable and completely flexible time periods. From a single day, over individually defined event periods to monthly observations, everything is possible.

Based on years of experience in developing and implementing agof’s study and the marketers’ and media agencies’ feedback, the practice-oriented seminars are designed according to the needs of the target groups. The seminars are organised by an experienced team of trainers. All trainers have many years of marketing and / or agency background and are familiar with the respective requirements. Moreover, due to a close cooperation with the agof Commission Planning,the seminars are very close to business practice.

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