Oracle Enterprise Manager for MySQL

Only available in select Commercial Editions

MySQL Performance Monitoring

MySQL Performance Monitoring
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MySQL Performance Reports

MySQL Performance Reports
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Metrics & Collection Settings

Metrics & Collection Settings
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MySQL Compliance Framework

MySQL Compliance Framework
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Oracle Enterprise Manager for MySQL provides real-time monitoring and delivers comprehensive performance, availability and configuration information for your MySQL databases.

MySQL Performance Monitoring

Comprehensive database monitoring enables you to identify the problem areas in your database environment that are degrading performance. View the real-time performance metrics and important KPIs for your MySQL servers.

MySQL Availability Monitoring

Monitor the recent availability and uptime statistics for all of your MySQL instances. Database availability monitoring and measurement lets developers and DBAs know if they are meeting their Service Level Agreement (SLA) commitments.

MySQL Replication Monitoring

Monitor the performance, availability and health of all MySQL Source and Replicas to ensure your replication environment is meeting compliance standards. MySQL best practice advisors provide alerts and expert advice on keeping replicated servers in sync and correcting potential problems.

MySQL InnoDB Monitoring

Monitor key InnoDB metrics that impact MySQL Receive best practice advice on how to improve your InnoDB configuration and reduce performance bottlenecks.

New! MySQL Enterprise Firewall Monitoring

Graphs and Reports make it easy to monitor MySQL Enterprise Firewall activity and protect your MySQL servers against database specific attacks. Best Practice Advisors alert you when a potential security threat has been identified and recommend configuration changes to your Firewall and related security settings.

New! MySQL Enterprise Audit Monitoring

Monitor and enforce MySQL Enterprise Audit usage across all of your MySQL servers. Best Practice Advisors help ensure organizations are implementing required corporate security policies to satisfy regulatory compliance such as HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley, and the PCI Data Security Standard.

MySQL Metric Collection

Oracle Enterprise Manager for MySQL collects more than 500 metrics covering various MySQL components. Using the Oracle Enterprise Manager compliance framework, standard rules are used to evaluate pre-defined thresholds and provide advice on how to change configuration parameters to bring your MySQL servers into compliance.

MySQL Alerts and Notifications

Take advantage of the rich incident alerting and notification system in Enterprise Manager. Users can define any number of custom thresholds for the collected metrics and be notified of critical events via SMTP, SNMP, OS command, scripts and more.

MySQL Configuration Management

The plugin implements Enterprise Configuration Management (ECM) features. Oracle Enterprise Manager collects MySQL server configuration details and then tracks changes to those server options over time so that DBAs can easily keep track of configuration changes and the related change history.

MySQL Reports

Users can monitor database activities using pre-defined performance reports for Connections, Statements, InnoDB Buffer Pool, InnoDB File I/O, Tables / Rows, and Query Cache. Metrics are presented in time series graphs for comparing current and historical values.

MySQL Remote Monitoring

The plugin supports monitoring of remote MySQL servers so that the Oracle Management Agent doesn’t have to be installed on every server where MySQL servers are running, greatly simplifying the management and deployment process.