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On This Day in History, August 20

What Happened On This Day – August 20

  • 1993 Oslo accords negotiations conclude

    The negotiations for the Oslo Accords were concluded at the Fafo Institute in Oslo. The agreement was between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization. The accords, that were eventually signed in Washington D.C. set up the Palestinian Authority and gave it governing powers over the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

  • 1988 The Iran-Iraq War comes to an end after 7 years

    The deadly conventional war between the two Middle Eastern countries began when Iraq invaded Iran on September 22, 1980.

  • 1975 Viking 1 is launched by NASA using a Titan launch vehicle

    It became the first space probe to successfully land on Mars.

  • 1960 Senegal withdraws from the Mali Federation

    Senegal withdrew from the Mali Federation, a year after its establishment. Léopold Senghor became the first president of Senegal a month later.

  • 1940 Leon Trotsky is attacked in Mexico

    Russian revolutionary and founder of the Red Army, Leon Trotsky was attacked in his home by an undercover agent of the Peoples Commissariat for Internal Affairs or N.K.V.D. He died a day later due to the injuries sustained during the attack.

Births On This Day – August 20

  • 1944 Rajiv Gandhi

    Indian politician, 6th Prime Minister of India

  • 1941 Slobodan Milošević

    Serbian politician, 3rd President of Serbia, Montenegro

  • 1935 Ron Paul

    American physician, author, politician

  • 1923 Jim Reeves

    American singer-songwriter

  • 1890 H. P. Lovecraft

    American writer

Deaths On This Day – August 20

  • 2012 Meles Zenawi

    Ethiopian politician, Prime Minister of Ethiopia

  • 1996 Rio Reiser

    German singer-songwriter

  • 1915 Paul Ehrlich

    German physician, Nobel Prize laureate

  • 1914 Pope Pius X

  • 1643 Anne Hutchinson

    English spiritual adviser