G2 Buyer Intent + Marketing Automation

Sync your G2 with your marketing automation

And you’ll see every company researching your profile and category inside your go-to marketing automation tool—in real time.

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Syncing is easy:



Improve your lead scoring

Factor how many times a Buyer has viewed your profile or category on G2 into their overall lead score




Create better “smart” lists

Filter your intent data down by category, competitor, or profile views to create ultra-targeted campaign lists.




Get the timing right

Focus your campaigns on accounts actively researching you or your category in real time.


G2 & Hubspot Integration Screenshots

Are you a HubSpot user?

Sync your G2 Buyer Intent data now!

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Are you a Marketo user?

Sync your G2 Buyer Intent data now!

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G2 & Marketo Integration Screenshots