This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Easy Post Embed Code


WordPress allows you to embed your content in any other site easily. This is great if the site in which you are embedding your content supports oEmbed, but in many cases it does not. In these cases you will need to paste the full embed code on the site in question. This plugin provides that embed code for you directly on the post edit screen.

You can also choose to display the post embed code on the frontend, allowing other people to share your content more easily, with the built-in shortcode or content block. The shortcode can be customised to include default width and height options, as well as show the embed code for any other post by optionally specifying the post ID.


  • Find your embed code directly on the post edit screen
  • Customise the width and height of the embed before copying the code
  • Add the embed code to your content with a shortcode or content block
  • Fully 5.0 compatible with meta box and custom block type
  • Fully backwards compatible with the current Classic Editor

How to contribute

If you want to contribute to Easy Post Embed Code, you can fork the GitHub repository – all pull requests will be reviewed and merged if they fit into the goals for the plugin.


  • The embed code meta box on the Classic Editor post edit screen.
  • The full Classic Editor post edit screen (so you can see the meta box in context).
  • The content block after being added to the post content.
  • The embed code meta box on the block editor post edit screen.
  • The embed code being displayed on the frontend inside the post content.
  • The standard appearance of a WordPress post embed (this comes from WordPress core itself and not this plugin).


This plugin provides 1 block.

  • Embed Code


Installing “Easy Post Embed Code” can be done either by searching for “Easy Post Embed Code” via the “Plugins > Add New” screen in your WordPress dashboard, or by using the following steps:

  1. Download the plugin via
  2. Upload the ZIP file through the ‘Plugins > Add New > Upload’ screen in your WordPress dashboard
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


The meta box is not showing for me – what gives?

The embed code meta box will only show for posts that have a status of ‘published’ – it will not show for drafts or private posts as those cannot be embedded externally anyway.

No really – the meta box is *still* not showing for me!

That’s not even a question, but the answer is most likely that you are using a WordPress version older than 4.4 – the oEmbed feature is only available in WordPress 4.4 and above, so you need to be more up to date in order to use this plugin.

How do I use the shortcode?

The shortcode to display the embed code for a post is [embed_code]. If used in the context of a post it will show the embed code for that post, but you can also specify a different post using the ID in the post paramter. Additionally, you can also set a custom width and height for the size attributes of the embed code, with the default being 500 and 350 respectively.

A shortcode with all the available parameters being used will look like this:

[embed_code post=36 width=800 height=400]
How do I remove the styling that comes with the plugin?

There is some very minor CSS included for the frontend display of the embed code (mostly for spacing and alignment), but if you would like to remove that and handle it yourself then simply add this line to your theme’s functions.php file or a custom plugin:

add_filter( 'easy_post_embed_code_use_css', '__return_false' );


December 10, 2018
Before the review it's worth mentioning that I had an issue on the first site I installed the plugin on and the developer was VERY responsive, he responded, diagnosed and released a patch in less than 2 hours! Excellent! I can see this plugin being particularly useful to people who have more than one WordPress website in the same/related niche to share related content between the sites. Or maybe if you have friends who also create content on similar topics who are willing to share your content on their site. For it to work between site owners that have no prior relationship there would need to be more direction/instructions than just the little share icon at least something along the lines of "Want to share this content on your website" with maybe a bit more information/instruction on the lightbox which I think would be necessary for the "average" WordPress site owner. Pete
Read all 2 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Easy Post Embed Code” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Easy Post Embed Code” has been translated into 6 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Easy Post Embed Code” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • 2018-12-10
  • Improving compatibility with WordPress 5.0+


  • 2018-09-19
  • Adding shortcode and Gutenberg block for displaying embed code on the frontend.


  • 2015-11-03
  • Initial release.