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<strong>NEXTGEN GALLERY DEMOS</strong><br /> *<a href="">Basic Thumbnail Gallery</a><br /> *<a href="">Basic Slideshow Gallery</a><br /> *<a href="">Basic Imagebrowser Gallery</a><br /> *<a href="">Basic Compact Album</a><br /> *<a href="">Basic List Album</a><br /> <strong>NEXTGEN GALLERY DEMOS</strong><br /> *<a href="">Basis Vorschau Galerie</a><br /> *<a href="">Basis Slideshow Galerie</a><br /> *<a href="">Basis Bildbrowser Galerie</a><br /> *<a href="">Basis kompaktes Album</a><br /> *<a href="">Basis Album Liste</a><br /> Details
<strong>NEXTGEN GALLERY DEMOS</strong><br /> *<a href="">Basic Thumbnail Gallery</a><br /> *<a href="">Basic Slideshow Gallery</a><br /> *<a href="">Basic Imagebrowser Gallery</a><br /> *<a href="">Basic Compact Album</a><br /> *<a href="">Basic List Album</a><br />

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Imagebrowser Gallery Bildbrowser Galerie Details
Imagebrowser Gallery

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Yes, we've put a lot of work into this and, NextGEN Galleries are compatible with phones and tablets, inluding Android and iOS operating systems. All photo galleries are also responsive, so galleries look good on diverse screen sizes. NextGEN Pro also includes a fullscreen, responsive Pro Lightbox with mobile gesture support. It's great for viewing photos on mobile devices. Ja, wir haben viel Arbeit in das investiert und NextGEN Gallery ist kompatibel Telefonen und Tablets inklusive Android und iOS Betreibssystemen. Alle Fotogalerien sind auch responsiv, so dass die Galerien auf verschiedenen Bildschirmgrößen gut aussehen. NextGEN Pro enthält auch eine responsive Pro Lightbox für Vollbildanzeige mit Unterstützung für mobile Gesten. Es ist ideal für die Anzeige von Fotos auf mobilen Geräten. Details
Yes, we've put a lot of work into this and, NextGEN Galleries are compatible with phones and tablets, inluding Android and iOS operating systems. All photo galleries are also responsive, so galleries look good on diverse screen sizes. NextGEN Pro also includes a fullscreen, responsive Pro Lightbox with mobile gesture support. It's great for viewing photos on mobile devices.

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The free version of NextGEN gallery provides three main gallery styles (slideshow, thumbnail, and imagebrowser galleries) and two album styles (compact and extended), all of which come with a wide array of options for controlling size, style, timing, transitions, controls, lightbox effects, and more. Learn more about <a href=";utm_medium=link&amp;utm_campaign=liteversion">NextGEN WordPress Gallery Plugin features.</a> Im Frontend bietet die kostenlose Version von NextGEN drei Galerie-Stile (Diashows, Vorschaubilder und Bildbrowser Galerien) und zwei Albumstile (kompakt und erweitert). Diese sind mit einer Vielzahl von Optionen zum Steuern von Größe, Stil, Timing, Übergängen, Steuerelementen, Lightbox-Effekten und mehr ausgestattet. Erfahre mehr über <a href="">NextGEN WordPress Gallery Plugin Funktionen (engl.).</a> Details
The free version of NextGEN gallery provides three main gallery styles (slideshow, thumbnail, and imagebrowser galleries) and two album styles (compact and extended), all of which come with a wide array of options for controlling size, style, timing, transitions, controls, lightbox effects, and more. Learn more about <a href=";utm_medium=link&amp;utm_campaign=liteversion">NextGEN WordPress Gallery Plugin features.</a>

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Gallery Settings Page Galerie Einstellungsseite Details
Gallery Settings Page

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Insert Gallery Window Galeriefenster einfügen Details
Insert Gallery Window

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Manage Gallery Page Galerieseite verwalten Details
Manage Gallery Page

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Slideshow Gallery Diashow Galerie Details
Slideshow Gallery

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Thumbnail Gallery Vorschaubilder Galerie Details
Thumbnail Gallery

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NextGEN Gallery is a WordPress gallery plugin maintained by Imagely. We're the WordPress photography experts. In addition to NextGEN Gallery, NextGEN Plus, and NextGEN Pro, we also make WordPress themes for photographers, providing turnkey websites for photographers. NextGEN Gallery ist ein WordPress Galere Plugin, welches von Imagely betreut wird. Wir sind die WordPress-Fotoexperten. Neben NextGEN Gallery, NextGEN Plus und NextGEN Pro erstellen wir auch WordPress-Themes für Fotografen, bieten einsatzbereite Websites für Fotografen und betreiben den WordPress Fotografie-Podcast. Details
NextGEN Gallery is a WordPress gallery plugin maintained by Imagely. We're the WordPress photography experts. In addition to NextGEN Gallery, NextGEN Plus, and NextGEN Pro, we also make WordPress themes for photographers, providing turnkey websites for photographers.

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Yes, you can add text or image watermarks to your gallery images. Ja, wir können Text- und Bildwasserzeichen zu deinen Galeriebildern hinzufügen Details
Yes, you can add text or image watermarks to your gallery images.

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Yes, WordPress allows you to password protect pages by default - which includes all photo galleries and content for the entire page. Password protection pages can be turned on and off at any time, with just a few clicks. Ja, mit WordPress kannst Du Seiten standardmäßig mit einem Kennwort schützen - dies umfasst alle Fotogalerien und Inhalte für die gesamte Seite. Der Passwortschutz von Seiten kann jederzeit mit nur wenigen Klicks ein- und ausgeschaltet werden. Details
Yes, WordPress allows you to password protect pages by default - which includes all photo galleries and content for the entire page. Password protection pages can be turned on and off at any time, with just a few clicks.

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Yes, you can batch upload entire photo galleries at one time. Ja, Du kannst ganze Fotogalerien gleichzeitig stapelweise hochladen. Details
Yes, you can batch upload entire photo galleries at one time.

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In simple terms, Albums are collections of galleries. So Galleries contain your photos and Albums contain your Galleries. Albums act as links and placeholders to quickly and easily navigate your galleries. Galleries will actually display your images. In einfachen Worten, Alben sind Sammlungen von Galerien. Galerien enthalten also deine Fotos und Alben enthalten deine Galerien. Alben dienen als Links und Platzhalter, um schnell und einfach in deinen Galerien zu navigieren. Galerien zeigen tatsächlich deine Bilder an. Details
In simple terms, Albums are collections of galleries. So Galleries contain your photos and Albums contain your Galleries. Albums act as links and placeholders to quickly and easily navigate your galleries. Galleries will actually display your images.

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This is often due to the URL paths to the CSS and JavaScript files used by the Lightbox Effects not being changed to relevant addresses based on the new site. This article will help sort out this issue if that is the case: <a href="">Why are my galleries not opening up in a lightbox?</a>. Dies liegt häufig daran, dass die von den Lightbox-Effekten verwendeten URL-Pfade zu den CSS- und JavaScript-Dateien nicht auf der Grundlage der neuen Seite in relevante Adressen geändert werden. Dieser Artikel hilft bei der Behebung dieses Problems, wenn dies der Fall ist: <a href=""> Warum werden meine Galerien nicht in einer Lightbox geöffnet? </a>. Details
This is often due to the URL paths to the CSS and JavaScript files used by the Lightbox Effects not being changed to relevant addresses based on the new site. This article will help sort out this issue if that is the case: <a href="">Why are my galleries not opening up in a lightbox?</a>.

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