Support » Fixing WordPress » Adding to Menu Spinning Indefinitely

  • Resolved scottladoux



    I hope someone may have some insight.

    When going to Appearances -> Menus and trying to add a page to the menu the “Add to menu” the process graphic just spins and the page is never added to the menu. It never times out or anything of that nature.

    I have disabled plugins and am hesitant to change the theme. Curious if anyone else has had this issue?

    Thanks for any help!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • I was going to test with the theme but it looks like you are using a premium theme. You may want to contact theme support and check if this is a known issue.

    Thread Starter scottladoux


    Hi @nao Thank you for the help. I was able to increase the site memory limit and this fixed the issue. Who knew 🙂

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