Graphic detail

Daily chart
People with covid jabs have been less likely to die of other causes

A new study yields a discrepancy, but not an explanation

Daily chart
As Sudan’s government wobbles, coups are making a comeback

More coups have happened in 2021 than in the previous five years combined

Strictly come jabbing
The impact of vaccine mandates is modest, but potentially crucial

Allowing exceptions sharply reduces mandates’ effectiveness

Daily chart
America is the big winner of China’s crypto crackdown

It is now the leading destination for bitcoin mining

Daily chart
NFTs are not just for digital art—and their popularity is growing

Now The Economist is experimenting with an NFT, to raise money for a good cause

Daily chart
A chastened WeWork lists on the New York Stock Exchange

The company is better disciplined, but still unprofitable

Daily chart
What’s plaguing the American economy? According to the Fed, it’s shortages

Supplies may be dwindling, but complaints about “shortages” are surging

Daily chart
Cricket looks set to become a global game

Thanks to Twenty20, more countries than ever before are playing international cricket

Covid-19 data
Tracking covid-19 excess deaths across countries

In many parts of the world, official death tolls undercount the total number of fatalities

Daily chart
Republicans’ trust in democracy has plunged since 2016

Voters from both parties are least trusting when they lose by a narrow margin

Covid-19 data
The pandemic’s true death toll

Our daily estimate of excess deaths around the world

Daily chart
Is a winter wave of coronavirus infections looming?

Masks and booster vaccinations should help keep covid-19 at bay in the rich world