Our coverage of the coronavirus

A selection of our stories about covid-19 and its consequences

Since it emerged in China in December 2019, the coronavirus has killed over 4m people, infected many millions more and compelled governments around the world to lock down their populations. The rapid development of vaccines has at least offered some grounds for optimism. To stay up to speed with The Economist’s latest coverage of the virus and the vaccination drive, you can bookmark this hub page; register to receive our weekly newsletter, which has a special edition showcasing our coronavirus coverage; and follow our data trackers showing the global roll-out of vaccines, a daily estimate of excess deaths around the world and the virus’s spread across Europe and America.

Political and social impact

President anti-vaxxer
Jair Bolsonaro is accused of crimes against humanity in Brazil

It will harm the reputation of the beleaguered president further

Restarting Asian tourism will be harder than shutting it down

Tourism-dependent economies are taking a cautious approach to reopening

The coronavirus
Millions of lives depend on how the pandemic ends

The world can see the end of the covid-19 emergency, but some daunting tasks lie ahead

Protracted war
How long can China’s zero-covid policy last?

Unlike Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, it seems determined to keep it up

Data trackers

Covid-19 data
The pandemic’s true death toll

Our daily estimate of excess deaths around the world

Covid-19 data
The global normalcy index

Is the world returning to pre-pandemic life? Find out with our interactive tracker

Covid-19 data
Tracking covid-19 across the world

Use our live data to follow the battle against the pandemic

Covid-19 data
Excess deaths, by country or city

In many parts of the world, official death tolls undercount the total number of fatalities

Covid-19 data
Tracking the coronavirus across Europe

How countries and regions are coping with the covid-19 pandemic


Strictly come jabbing
The impact of vaccine mandates is modest, but potentially crucial

Allowing exceptions sharply reduces mandates’ effectiveness

Daily chart
America’s pandemic is now an outlier in the rich world

Its daily toll of excess deaths is greater than in all other high-income countries combined

Why America needs vaccine mandates

State pressure has a role in public health. Covid-19 jabs are no exception

French covid-19 passports
How France tackled vaccine hesitancy

Covid-19 passports have proved efficient, and surprisingly popular

As good as advertised
Despite Delta, severe covid-19 is much rarer among vaccinated Britons

New population-level data are more reassuring than some recent studies of vaccine effectiveness

Biden’s bidding
President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate is ordinary yet controversial

The requirements will probably increase vaccination rates as long as they are found to be legal


Northern exposure
Measures to prevent the spread of covid-19 have also fended off flu

As the world begins to reopen, will it see a resurgence of influenza?

A calculated risk
Why scientists are deliberately infecting volunteers with covid-19

“Human challenge trials” may help answer important questions quickly

Face: the facts
A big study in Bangladesh finds simple ways to encourage mask use

Symptomatic infections of covid-19 went down as the use of masks went up

Daily chart
Real-world evidence shows face masks reduce covid-19’s spread

A study from Bangladesh found they help even if many don't wear them

Daily chart
Covid-19 patients with severe symptoms suffer long-lasting cognitive impairments

Even those who had milder symptoms performed worse on brain-function tests

Economic consequences

Instant economics
A real-time revolution will up-end the practice of macroeconomics

The pandemic has hastened a shift towards novel data and fast analysis

The real-time revolution
Enter third-wave economics

How the pandemic reshaped the dismal science

Free exchange
How soaring energy costs could hobble the covid-19 recovery

Past shocks have raised inflation and induced economic slumps

The pandemic bonus
Wages are surging across the rich world

What it means for the economic recovery

Post-pandemic pick up
Latin America’s economies have an opportunity to grow

It would help if governments overcame their protectionist instincts

Daily chart
Do pandemics normally lead to rising inflation?

An analysis of data going back to the 14th century shows that such events typically lead to lower, not higher, inflation

The Economist explains

The Economist explains
Why Hong Kong’s “zero-covid” strategy could backfire

Infections are low but so is the vaccination rate, leaving the territory isolated

The Economist explains
Will Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates work?

With legal challenges inevitable, they face an uncertain fate

The Economist explains
Where will you need a covid passport?

Proof of vaccination or recovery from infection is increasingly being demanded, not just for international travel but also within countries

By invitation: the world after covid-19

Covid-19 vaccines
Naftali Bennett on why Israel is giving booster jabs for covid-19

A third dose protects people, the economy and social wellbeing—and crucially, retains public trust in vaccines, says Israel’s prime minister

Responding to covid-19
Mauricio Cárdenas on designing and funding future pandemic responses

There are concrete steps to take, so the world needs to set aside billions to save trillions, writes a former finance minister of Colombia

Vaccine passports
Clare Wenham on why vaccine certificates harm society

The public-health benefits aren’t worth the divisions they will create in society

Vaccine passports
Rachel Azaria on how Israel’s green pass nudged people to get vaccinated

Rather than divide people into the vaccine haves and have-nots, the country’s vaccine certificates brought society together, argues an Israeli politician

Vaccine passports
Ashish Jha on the case for vaccine certificates to beat covid-19

People will only have confidence meeting together—for work or leisure—if they have some certainty it is safe