OneTrust DataGovernance

Make the shift from data compliance to data intelligence

The OneTrust DataGovernance suite of tools helps businesses know their data in order to properly govern, utilize, and improve data quality. As a result, users are able to drive business value while complying with the latest privacy regulations and security frameworks within one central solution.


Streamlined Business Access to Data

With a single source of truth into data across your organization, the business can find what they are looking for faster, and policies can be monitored and enforced more efficiently and effectively.

Improved Data Quality

Automated discovery and classification of the data means improved classification accuracy, less manual work and less human error.

Unified Privacy, Security & Data Governance Initiatives

Reduce duplicate work across functions and enable the business to work together within a single platform.


Discover and populate data real-time into a single source of truth and allow data citizens to understand it with universal taxonomy.

  • Use automated discovery to populate metadata into a centralized and easily searchable data catalog.
  • Apply business and regulatory context to data to ensure regulatory requirements are understood, as well as a shared business language established.
  • Assess the quality of your data through deep scanning and profiling of data.



Orchestrate data governance activities to ensure your data collection, storage, and use meets all applicable privacy rules and regulations.

  • Define data policies such as user access, data retention and residency, data minimization and data protection
  • Monitor and flag violations across your data ecosystem.
  • Collaborate across business functions to remediate findings, apply compensating controls and reduce risk.
  • Demonstrate compliance with privacy and security obligations.



Enable business transformation by empowering business users, analysts and data scientists to search and discover the data they need through an intuitive and easy-to-use data catalog.

  • Enable the business to search, explore and understand data across all systems in a self-service fashion.
  • Operationalize data access and data masking to data warehousing tools such as Snowflake via pre-built integrations.
  • Encourage data literacy by ensuring data citizens fully understand the data and their obligations before use.


Drive further organizational adoption and continuous improvement of data governance initiatives by demonstrating the return on your investment.

  • Drive collaboration and collect feedback from data stewards and data users through trust scoring, comments and insights.
  • Review trends in policy violations for areas of program improvement.
  • Gain an overview of your program and demonstrate its effectiveness through dashboards, metrics, and maturity & benchmarking reports.

Learn More About OneTrust Data Governance

Ready to see how OneTrust Data Governance can help operationalize your data governance program? Request a demo with our data governance experts today.

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Data Governance Products

Data Catalog

Utilize a business-facing portal for users to search and filter across any property, any object, any data element to find data that matters

Data Dictionary

Manage and understand technical metadata how it’s classified, and where it’s stored in addition to its origin, format, use, and hierarchical relationships to other data

Business Glossary

Allow data stewards, technical users and business users to collaborate on an enterprise-wide repository of your organization’s relevant business terminology to create a common understanding of data

Data Lineage

Maintain relationships and visualize how data flows across systems to create a clear understanding of where data originated and what processes and transformation procedures it went through within the organization

Policy Management

Maintain and enforce rule-based data policies in the context of applicable regulatory guidelines​

Make Trust a Competitive Advantage

To build towards data intelligence, Data Governance should align with your privacy, security and compliance programs. OneTrust helps bring governance, compliance, and business teams together in a single platform.

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