Data & Research

Monster Strike leaps up global top grossing charts

Crunching the data with App Annie

Monster Strike leaps up global top grossing charts

This article is part of an ongoing series of data-driven articles from and App Annie highlighting trends in the mobile games sector.

It’s still there.

SayGames’ hypercasual game Sand Balls continues its reign at the top of the global download charts.

Last week, it looked like MarkApp’s Rescue Cut was closing in but it’s fallen away as Ink Inc - Tattoo Tycoon - from AppLovin’s Lion Studios - moved into the #2 position and attempts to be the game to finally dethrone Sand Balls.

Other movers this week include Homescapes - down 4 places to #9 - and Subway Surfers - up 2 to #6.

When it comes to the most engaging mobile games, as measured in terms of weekly active users - this week’s chart shows no movement at all.

All ten games are in exactly the same position, which is pretty impressive in terms of their ability to retain their audiences, especially for location-based game Pokemon Go as the weather in the northern hemisphere turns wintery.

These are the games players love to play.

As for the games players love to pay, however, there’s plenty of movement.

As seen in previous week’s, this tends to be characterised by highly monetised Japanese mobile games which, despite their relatively small audiences, can see big spikes in revenues through the smart use of live operations.

Last week saw Dragon Quest Walk jumping up to the #2 position; it’s since fallen back.

Monster Strike now makes the leap, up from #7 to #2.

South Korean game Lineage M is also on the rise from #8 to #4.

China’s overall dominance as the largest mobile game market continues unabated, however, with Tencent’s Honour of Kings still nailing down the #1 top grossing position, Tencent’s battle royale title Game for Peace at #5, and NetEase’s Fantasy Westward Journey sneaking into the chart at #10.

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Contributing Editor

A Pocket Gamer co-founder, Jon is Contributing Editor at which means he acts like a slightly confused uncle who's forgotten where he's left his glasses. As well as letters and cameras, he likes imaginary numbers and legumes.


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