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On This Day in History, August 26

What Happened On This Day – August 26

  • 1978 First German to go into Space

    Sigmund Jähn, a pilot from the East German Air Force joined the crew of Soyuz 31, a Soviet manned space flight to the Salyut 6 space station.

  • 1966 Namibian War of Independence Begins

    The 24-year long rebellion against the South African government began with an attack by the South African Defence Force on the members of the South-West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO) at Omugulugwombashe. Namibia gained independence on 21 March 1990. Namibians observe Heroes Day annually on August 26.

  • 1955 First Tennis Match to be Telecast in Color

    The Davis Cup match between Australia and the US from the West Side Tennis Club in Forest Hills, New York, was telecast on NBC.

  • 1920 19th Amendment to the US Constitution Takes Effect

    The amendment extended universal suffrage to women in the United States. Before this, women in some states could vote in local and state elections. The Amendment was first introduced in Congress 42 years ago in 1878 by Senator Aaron A. Sargent. In 1919, the Congress approved the amendment and sent it to the states to be ratified.

  • 1768 James Cook Sails off on HMS Endeavour

    The British explorer was the first European in recorded history to have visited the eastern shores of Australia. The ship reached Botany Bay in April 1770 and was back on British shores on July 12, 1771.

Births On This Day – August 26

  • 1971 Thalía

    Mexican singer-songwriter, actress

  • 1970 Melissa McCarthy

    American actress, writer, producer

  • 1966 Shirley Manson

    Scottish singer-songwriter, actress

  • 1910 Mother Teresa

    Macedonian/Indian missionary, Nobel Prize laureate

  • 1819 Albert, Prince Consort

    of the United Kingdom

Deaths On This Day – August 26

  • 1974 Charles Lindbergh

    American pilot, activist

  • 1958 Ralph Vaughan Williams

    English composer

  • 1910 William James

    American psychologist, philosopher

  • 1850 Louis Philippe I

    French king

  • 1666 Frans Hals

    Dutch painter