
Tentative Schedule

This is the tentative schedule, the final schedule will be on the local wiki and shaped by feedback by attendees. There will also be a third room for smaller Birds of Feather sessions.

Main Hall
Second Room
9 AM Widgets Showcase
Andy Skelton
How to help out with WP
10 AM Blog Promotion and Writing a Compelling Blog
Prince Campbell

Podcasting & Vlogging
  Musical Interlude by Eric Haller
11 AM State of the Word
Matt Mullenweg
1 PM Monetizing your Blog
Yobie Benjamin and Pat McCarthy
Blog Architecture
Aaron Brazell
2 PM WordPress as CMS
Mark Jaquith
WordPress Wishlist
Todd Seal
  Musical Interlude by Andy Skelton
3 PM Blogs and Journalism
Om Malik
Intro to MU and Q&A
Donncha O Caoimh
4 PM SEO & WordPress
Neil Patel

High Performance WordPress
Mark Jaquith and Barry Abrahamson

5 PM Plugin Showcase
Niall Kennedy, et al
Microformats and Structured Blogging
Tantek Celik