Hello World

As you may have heard, Code For The People has now joined the WordPress.com VIP Team at Automattic.

Like many people, we were first attracted to WordPress by its offer of extensibility without sacrificing simplicity. We recognised that these benefits applied just as much to employees of large companies and organisations as they did to bloggers and hackers.

In our three years of existence as a company, we built up a remarkable client list, and amassed some of the UK’s finest WordPress talent: Philip John, Tom Nowell, Scott Evans and of course John Blackbourn, currently leading work on the next release of WordPress itself.

With every project we took on, we actively sought out opportunities to push ourselves harder, and to drive WordPress onwards.

We persuaded blue-chip clients to work within the GPL, instead of arguing over intellectual property. We released countless plugins as open source, and contributed to WordPress core. We’re proud that every member of the team was name-checked at least once on the Credits page which accompanies each WordPress release.

Some things are set to change. Instead of building websites for clients, we’ll now be focusing on delivering the best possible customer experience for enterprise users of the best possible WordPress platform.

But some things won’t change at all. Our primary motivation at Code For The People was always to make people’s working lives better, by making WordPress better. And it still will be.

To every client, every freelancer, every partner, every rival, every employee and their family – thank you.

It’s time to move to the next level. Come with us. It’ll be fun.

Simon Dickson & Simon Wheatley
Automattic, Inc
November 2014

TechCrunch | VentureBeat | WP Tavern
Matt’s announcement | Press release | @cftp