WordPress – 9 years since it’s conception

Simon D reminded me that it is now nine years since my fateful comment on Matt’s blog that kicked off this whole WordPress thing!

WordPress is really shaping up, and is an evermore stable and functional CMS platform. The statistics continue to astonish me, with more than 70 million sites around the world. That’s nearly 16% of the web!

WordPress is supporting a whole industry of WordPress experts, including me: I’m just starting my fourth year as an independent WordPress specialist.

Praise must go as usual to the fantastic community around WordPress, the singular vision of Matt Mullenweg, and the awesome power of the GNU GPL open source license.

With version 3.4 currently in the making, I predict it will be another great year for WordPress.

6 thoughts on “WordPress – 9 years since it’s conception

  1. It is the elegant design and the abundance of plugins and themes that WordPress has allowed so many of us to develop our interests online. My blog/podcast (www.astrotalkuk.org) is not the best astronomy blog in the world but the smart WordPress approach requires little technical input allowing me to focus on the content. Many bloggers are bloggers probably because of its simple, free and powerful design.

    Well done Mike, Matt and the numerous coders and supporters that have made WordPress. You help keep alive the spirit of Open Source and continue to nourish the community.

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