zed1 iCal Events Widget

I have written a little widget plugin to wrap around Daniel Westermann-Clark’s iCal Events plugin. Daniel’s plugin requires you to add a PHP template tag to your theme files, which some people are not comfortable with. Plus if you change or update your theme you have remember to re-add the template tag. As I managed to forget to do that on a blog I help manage, I thought it would be a good idea to turn it into a widget.

This is the result. It allows you to enter a title, an iCal URL, the number of entries to display, and optionally add a link to a RSS feed of the events (if there is one).

The widget interface looks like this:

Widget configuration

You can download version 1.0.1 of the plugin.

2 thoughts on “zed1 iCal Events Widget

  1. Hey,

    Your plugin is exactly what I’m looking for but I can’t seem to get it to work. Seems pretty straight forward but any thoughts on what I might be missing?

  2. Hi Stace,
    I presume you have the iCal plugin installed too.
    The other thing you need to make sure of, is that the iCal plugin can create it’s cache files. It needs to create a directory in wp-content and then will write to that.

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