Support » Requests and Feedback » Please make a progress bar Gutenberg block in WordPress core

  • Dear WordPress team,

    Please offer a Gutenberg block in WordPress core for:
    Progress Bar, one like the Sensei LMS progress bar
    Progress Circle
    with percentage and/or amount to be manually updated.

    Use case: visualizing a crowdfunding campaign, or the percentage funded of the monthly/annual budget of a non-profit.

    Here’s a nicely formatted, interactive circle on based on Chartlist JS
    showing the percentage funded/unfunded of the monthly budget, and a breakdown of one-time and repeat donors.

    And here’s a nicely formatted progress bar on The Chosen TV
    when you click into the season 3 that’s currently funded, breaking it down into milestones (here episodes) with details on percentage and amount funded, no. donors etc.

    Something like this would be a great addition to the Gutenberg blocks in WordPress core. This way, non-profits could communicate more effectively with their users and donors on a continuing basis.

    Thanks a lot for considering.

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