Support » Requests and Feedback » Add a dark mode in the admin panel

  • Alexander


    Please add a dark mode to the WordPress admin panel. There are plugins that can do this job, but they are of poor quality.

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  • Thank you Alexander for your request.

    That is really a nice idea, we will share this idea and hopefully, if they accept it you may get this feature in future releases.

    Thread Starter Alexander


    Indeed, this is very important. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Greetings!

    That’s a great idea. Hopefully this will be pick up

    This is a way past due feature in 2021.

    Right now we either have to use a custom admin.css that often has to force styles with !important, or use a plug-in that annoyingly alerts us constantly. Yeah, there are browser plug-ins like Dark Reader, but then you have to turn it on for admin, turn it off when you view the site itself. It’s just aggravating.

    I’m honestly not sure who enjoys blinding themselves with white backgrounds to begin with. It’s why we use dark themes when coding and why OSs and apps finally started providing dark theme options.

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