Speakers: Ray Mitchell

  • Ray Mitchell: Superagency: Creating and Telling Your Backstory

    WordCamp Birmingham 2019Speaker: Ray Mitchell

    November 8, 2019 — Every superhero has an origin story that is unique and distinguishes them from mere mortals and even other superheroes. As a freelancer and/or a small agency, you too have an origin story that shapes and defines your business, and is different from any other.

    In this presentation you will learn how to make your origin story a compelling sales tool and use it to position and grow your WordPress business.

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  • Ray Mitchell: Building a Trustworthy Website

    WordCamp Raleigh 2019Speaker: Ray Mitchell

    June 10, 2019 — It’s true that having a strong social media presence is important, but when your latest viral post drives them to your website, will your business be seen as credible? With a little planning, you can design a WordPress website that will create and leverage trust signals to gain the confidence of your site visitors.

    Participants will learn how to do a “trust audit” of their website and leave with an actionable plan to improve the trustworthiness of their website.

  • Ray Mitchell: You Don’t Have any Business Cards? Growing Your WordPress Business Through Networking

    WordCamp US 2018Speaker: Ray Mitchell

    December 30, 2018 — “You Don’t Have any Business Cards?” is a question that you hear a lot at formal networking events, but it happens even more frequently at WordCamps. Do you feel intimidated when it’s time to give your “30 second commercial”? Do you run out of things to talk about once you’ve exchanged names?

    Effective networking is an important part of building your WordPress business. This presentation will help you get past the “grip and grin” stigma that people associate with networking and cover some ways that you can get the most out of mixing it up at networking groups, “business after hours” meetups, and of course the Hallway Track at conferences like WordCamp.

    Learning how to network effectively can lead to your next client or your next trusted business partner. Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, you’re sure to pick up a thing or two in this presentation.

  • Ray Mitchell: You Don’t Have Any Business Cards?

    WordCamp Raleigh 2018Speaker: Ray Mitchell

    June 20, 2018 — This happens a lot at formal networking events, but it happens even more frequently at WordCamp. Do you feel intimidated when it’s time to give your “30 second commercial”? Do you run out of things to talk about once you’ve exchanged names?

    Effective networking is an important part of building your WordPress business. This presentation will help you get past the “grip and grin” stigma that people associate with networking and cover some ways that you can get the most out of mixing it up at networking groups, “business after hours” meetups, and of course the Hallway Track at conferences like WordCamp. Whether your an introvert or an extrovert, you’re sure to pick up a thing or two.

  • Ray Mitchell: Start Your WordPress Business This Weekend

    WordCamp Raleigh 2016Speaker: Ray Mitchell

    November 12, 2016 — You’re kinda interested in the “Business Track”, but what if you don’t already have a business? In this presentation, you’ll learn how to provide services to clients that match your skill set, and create your own WordPress business. With a little work, you can take a side gig and grow it into your full time enterprise.

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  • Ray Mitchell: Staying Connected – Securing Your WordPress Website

    WordCamp Asheville 2015Speaker: Ray Mitchell

    September 24, 2015 — With WordPress powering almost 20% of all sites on the internet, it’s a ripe target for cyber criminals. Brute force attacks, malicious code, and site defacements are concerns for even the casual user. Hey, but there’s no need for panic. With a few code snippets, one or two plugins and some common sense practices, you can make your website more secure and make the crooks look somewhere else for an easier target.

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  • Ray Mitchell: Create Your Podcast Platform on WordPress

    WordCamp Raleigh 2014Speaker: Ray Mitchell

    January 2, 2015 — This presentation covers the basics of podcast production, and most importantly, how to optimize your WordPress site in a way that helps you build you listenership at the same time you build a sturdy and sustainable platform.

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  • Ray Mitchell – Power Your Non-Profit Website

    WordCamp Asheville 2014Speaker: Ray Mitchell

    September 7, 2014 — An important part of any non-profit organization’s mission is getting its message out to as many people as possible. A well-designed WordPress website can help even the smallest non-profit reach a wide audiences and help activate both supporters and volunteers.

    Get tips for making your website content more effective at communicating your unique story and receive an overview of easy to install plugins that will help raise funds, engage donors and volunteers, and help promote the good work that you do.

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