

Red Hat OpenShift features

Red Hat® OpenShift® is a container platform for Kubernetes that can automate the provisioning, management and scaling of applications so that you can focus on writing the code for your next big idea.

What's included

OpenShift Marketecture

OpenShift Marketecture

Built on the foundation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Red Hat OpenShift ships with Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® CoreOS for the Kubernetes master, and supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux for worker nodes. Red Hat OpenShift also supports standard Docker and CRI-O runtimes for containers managed by Kubernetes.


With Red Hat, we can now share hardware resources easily without buying additional servers, antivirus software, networking components, or other software licenses. We simply move applications to our OpenShift clusters or existing Red Hat Enterprise Linux environment as needed.

Lee Choo Yee
Head of Digital Innovation & Design, Alliance Bank

Certified Enterprise Kubernetes

Red Hat OpenShift includes a fully-compliant instance of upstream Kubernetes, hardened with hundreds of fixes that address defect, security, and performance issues for upstream Kubernetes in every release. It is tested with dozens of technologies and is a robust tightly-integrated platform supported over a 9-year lifecycle.

Learn more about Kubernetes

Cluster services

Automated installation on hybrid cloud infrastructures is a core Red Hat OpenShift capability. OpenShift delivers immutable installation and updates across the platform powered by Kubernetes Operators. Red Hat OpenShift includes software-defined networking and validates additional common networking solutions. OpenShift also includes support for virtualization, managing containers and VMs side-by-side in a single control plane.


Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for Linux container development, making Red Hat OpenShift the clear choice in container technology for us.

Michael Hinterland
Team Lead, ICS Cloud & Automation and ICS System & Middleware, Porsche Informatik

Platform services

The application platform you choose needs to make it easier to manage workloads. That means it must support key cloud-native services that developers rely on, such as Service Mesh, Serverless and Pipelines, are available to install on-demand with Red Hat OpenShift.

Application services

Developers value choice. They want to choose how they build and deploy applications, so you need to support the languages, database engines, and the runtimes that bring their code to life. With Red Hat OpenShift, you can honor those choices without compromising availability or security, even as new applications are deployed across a full range of cloud and on-prem infrastructures.


Our Red Hat infrastructure now supports the applications that provide API-based services for our customer web portals and mobile applications, as well as core internal business applications—from products and contracts to health insurance contributions and more.

Frédéric Roulet
Team Manager, Engineering Development and Middleware Integration, IT Department, Mutuelle Generale de l’Education Nationale

About 80% of a patient chart is not computable. Working with great colleagues at Red Hat means we can use new tools like natural language processing and machine learning to develop new insights from that unstructured data.

Dr. Jonathan Perlin
Chief Medical Officer, HCA Healthcare

Data services

Data is a critical business asset. Efficiently ingesting, storing, transforming, analyzing, and applying the power of AI/ML to data can help achieve key business insights. OpenShift serves as the self-service platform for developers, data engineers, data scientists, etc. to leverage the data services tooling of their choice and speed up achieving data driven insights.

Learn more about databases and analytics

Developer services

Deploying your applications faster is key for developers. They can build their code next to where the application will be deployed using the Code Ready Workspaces IDE environment. Or they can plug directly into the IDE they use today and easily push their code to containers running on OpenShift. Either way, the on-demand nature of OpenShift and Kubernetes Operators places the speed of your development team in its own hands, not the hands of IT admins.

Start a sandbox at Red Hat Developer

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Red Hat OpenShift plans

Flexibility is the open source advantage, and the flexibility of Red Hat OpenShift starts with where you deploy it. Red Hat OpenShift is ready to deploy in any environment, wherever your workloads live.

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Additional services

Red Hat Marketplace

Discover and access certified software for your container-based environment.

Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes

Enables organizations to manage their Kubernetes clusters with consistency across the hybrid cloud.

Red Hat Advanced Cluster
Security for Kubernetes

Build, deploy, and run applications more securely across the open hybrid cloud.