Support » Fixing WordPress » problems in moving site to new host/server

  • I’m attempting to move my WordPress site to a new host (it was on MidPhase, now it’s on Dreamhost).

    – the domain is

    – I already moved the domain hosting to Dreamphase… that went through

    – I followed the directions on this page:

    – database export and import went fine, backing up and uploading files went fine

    – I have a new database name and username: I modified wp-config.php with those things (and the new password as well)

    The problem is that when I load in my browser, I see “Cannot connect to database.”

    Note that I cleared the cache and even used a browser that I have never used before with this site and has no plugins installed (Safari).


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator Steve Stern (sterndata)


    Forum Moderator & Support Team Volunteer

    When installing on DreamHost, typically one uses ‘’ as the database host, but I don’t see a DNS entry for that. Please contact Dreamhost tech support to verify you have the correct settings in wp-config.php

    Thread Starter michaelmossey


    Thanks. You are right, in fact I hadn’t yet created a new database hostname. So I took care of that. I’ll wait for it to propagate, and try again in a few hours.

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