Support » Fixing WordPress » Default search settings

  • Hello,
    are there some settings for the default search? Now it searches only titles would be great if it would also search brand name and description.

    And if the product title has “Dr.G” and you search for “DrG” it wont find anything…
    are there any guidelines how to modify the search?

    Are there any recommended plugins, but if its possible i’d like to do it without a plugin.

    • This topic was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not an Everything else WordPress topic
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  • Hi!

    If you are using the WooCommerce plugin for your site, you may want to repost your question in the WooCommerce support forum here:

    By default, WordPress searches pretty much everything on your site. So if this not the case, you may have a plugin that is modifying the WP_query() function already.

    There are a number of search plugins that give you all sorts of control over the result set. You should try a few out to see if one helps you achieve your desired results. You can then use the plugin to configure what types of content is part of the result set, etc.

    Here’s what the default WordPress search feature includes:

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