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High-level pipelining in TL-Verilog, RISC-V from Imagination, formal tools and open-source EDA on ChipEXPO in Moscow

Algorithms *Industrial Programming *FPGA *Programming microcontrollers *Manufacture and development of electronics *

This year ChipEXPO conference in Moscow invited several Western speakers to present in English the emerging technologies in high-level HDLs, formal verification, open-source EDA and using industrual RISC-V cores for education. You can join these presentations on September 14-16 for free using this link (you may need to use google translate from Russian to go through the registration) https://eventswallet.com/en/events/282/

The whole program is here

The English-speaking presentations and tutorials include:

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Guide to naming in code

Semantics *Programming *Designing and refactoring *Industrial Programming *Development Management *

We present a guide to name entities in code based on putting naming in perspectives of semantic space, design, and readability. 

The main idea is that naming should not be considered as creation of tags, but as a fundamental part of design process, which implies integral and consistent vocabulary to be used. We discuss naming process and naming formalism from these perspectives and we provide guidelines for practical use.

The work is based on 15 years of experience in engineering work, coding and development management in high-tech industries.

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Spring Boot app with Apache Kafka in Docker container

Programming *Java *Apache *Industrial Programming *

Privet, comrads!

In this article i’ll show how easy it is to setup Spring Java app with Kafka message brocker. We will use docker containers for kafka zookeeper/brocker apps and configure plaintext authorization for access from both local and external net.

Link to final project on github can be picked up at the end of the article.

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Neural networks in reality

Спецлаб corporate blog Image processing *Big Data *Industrial Programming *The future is here
The mass of news and articles about artificial intelligence creates the illusion that we are living in a fantastic time. But when you start asking everyone what exactly is useful in real life from these high technologies, the answers come down to some Google features, mobile games and a story about Chinese videos. By the way, oh, these Chinese videos — for some reason, they are constantly shown by the central mass media when they demonstrate Moscow's intellectual technologies.

In words, it seems, all the «intellects» are installed already everywhere, the whole country has long been transferred to neural networks, but only in some kind of demonstration pictures, in diagrams, on fingers. There is a mental dissonance — why not take a video camera and shoot at least a fragment of how Russia's super mega technologies work?

As Nikita Sergeevich said, «science ceases to be self-indulgence when its fruits are applied in the national economy.» And today's artificial intelligence is familiar to us only from games. Many people really want to see something useful in reality. Therefore, we were not too lazy and recorded our video of the operation of neural networks from real objects.

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Automation VS Chaos

Programming *System Analysis and Design *Industrial Programming *Project management *

IT technologies evolution allowed to control huge data flows. Business has a lot of IT solutions: CRM, ERP, BPM, accounting systems or at least just Excel and Word. Companies are different too. Some of companies are composed of plenty branches. Let’s name such as “Pyramid”. Pyramids have data synchronization issue for pile of IT systems. Software vendors and versions differ for branches significantly. In addition management company continuously modify reporting requirements that causes frustration assaults in the branches. This is a story about the project I happened to encounter chaos that needed to be systematized and automated. Low budget and tight deadlines limited the use of most existing industrial solutions but opened up scope for creativity.
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