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You don't know Redis (Part 2)

Website development *JavaScript *NoSQL *ReactJS *Serverless *

In the first part of You don't know Redis, I built an app using Redis as a primary database. For most people, it might sound unusual simply because the key-value data structure seems suboptimal for handling complex data models.

In practice, the choice of a database often depends on the application’s data-access patterns as well as the current and possible future requirements.

Redis was a perfect database for a Q&A board. I described how I took advantage of sorted sets and hashes data types to build features efficiently with less code.

Now I need to extend the Q&A board with registration/login functionality.

I will use Redis again. There are two reasons for that.

Firstly, I want to avoid the extra complexity that comes with adding yet another database.

Secondly, based on the requirements that I have, Redis is suitable for the task.

Important to note, that user registration and login is not always about only email and password handling. Users may have a lot of relations with other data which can grow complex over time.

Despite Redis being suitable for my task, it may not be a good choice for other projects.

Always define what data structure you need now and may need in the future to pick the right database.

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How to create LinkedIn-like reactions with Serverless Redis

Website development *JavaScript *NoSQL *Node.JS *ReactJS *

As a side hustle, I teach tech recruiters web and software development technologies using plain English. It helps them with understanding job specs and resumes and it makes all of us, tech people, happier.

I run a weekly newsletter and often get feedback from recruiters via email or LinkedIn DMs.

I thought that I could try to collect feedback using the “Reactions” feature just like LinkedIn or Facebook does. It’s not as informative as personalised messages but is a simple feature that may incentivize more people to provide some general feedback.

Either way, it’s worth trying and as a software developer, I can’t wait to implement it.

This tutorial is about implementing a feature that will be used in real life on my project.

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You don't know Redis

Website development *NoSQL *ReactJS *Serverless *

Originally posted on DEV.to

In my previous post, I touched on the point that Redis is more than just an in-memory cache.

Most people do not even consider Redis as a primary database. There are a lot of use cases where Redis is a perfect choice for non-cache related tasks.

In this article, I will demonstrate how I built a fully functional Q&A board for asking and upvoting the most interesting questions. Redis will be used as a primary database.

I will use Gatsby (React), Netlify serverless functions and Upstash Serverless Redis.

Upstash has been a good choice so far and I decided to try it out in a more serious project. I love everything serverless and how it makes things simpler for me.

Serverless will be a great choice for most tasks however you need to know the pros and cons of the tech you are using. I encourage you to learn more about serverless to get the most out of it.

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Only 39% of the functions in node_modules are unique in the default Angular project

JavaScript *Angular *ReactJS *

Only 39% of the functions in node_modules are unique in the default Angular project created by ng new my-app.

I think the developers of open source solve problems in the same ways, because they study the same algorithms. Well, why be honest, they copy the popular solutions from StackOverflow also.

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10+ Biggest Remote Tech Jobs Aggregators Comparison

ReactJS *Personnel Management *IT career Social networks and communities Remote work

There is a myriad of articles about where to find remote jobs, particularly in tech. Some of them are outdated and most of them don't provide detailed reviews. So that's why I decided to do my own research. I did a basic search by "React" skill (where possible) and expected to see mostly "Frontend Developer" vacancies.

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7 Best Practices Every Budding React.JS Developer Must Follow to Excel

Web design *JavaScript *Programming *ReactJS *

With the advancement in web technology, the entire globe is sliding towards the online tech sphere. The globe around us is going tech-centric day by day and thus the demand for front-end designers and developers also.

Whatever, be the purpose, people just google things and get their desired result. This is all because of the increase in the evolution of web and mobile app development. While we all know that to be a Web developer, you need to have basic skills of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but, with time React.js emerged into the technology stack of the web development field and outdated JavaScript.

A Report by JS reflects that 64.8% of the web developers prefer to use the React.JS framework and would love to use it again and again in the future. It has even beaten other categories of frameworks that are Vue.js with 28.8% votes and Angular with 23.9% votes. This is the reason why the demand for React.JS development companies is at an all-time high.


With React, it becomes painless to build an interactive user interface. It efficiently updates and renders the right components when changes are made.

Before you use React.js as web technology, let’s have a look at the practices that every React.js developer should follow to write better react codes for their application.
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Most Popular JS Frameworks Overview

Website development *JavaScript *Angular *ReactJS *VueJS *

JavaScript is a multi-paradigm language. It supports event-driven, functional, and imperative, including object-oriented and prototype-based, programming styles. JavaScript was initially used only for client side. These days JavaScript is used as a server-side programming language as well. To summarize in just one simple sentence — JavaScript is the language of the web.

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React Token Auth

JavaScript *ReactJS *


Authorization is one of the first problems developers face upon starting a new project. And one of the most common types of authorization (from my experience) is the token-based authorization (usually using JWT).

From my perspective, this article looks like "what I wanted to read two weeks ago". My goal was to write minimalistic and reusable code with a clean and straightforward interface. I had the next requirements for my implementation of the auth management:

  • Tokens should be stored in local storage
  • Tokens should be restored on page reload
  • Access token should be passed in the network requests
  • After expiration access token should be updated by refresh token if the last one is presented
  • React components should have access to the auth information to render appropriate UI
  • The solution should be made with pure React (without Redux, thunk, etc..)
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Top 5 ReactJS Development Companies

JavaScript *Programming *Development of mobile applications *ReactJS *

ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library designed by Facebook for developing rich and engaging web apps efficiently and quickly with minimal coding.

The core task of ReactJS is providing the best possible rendering performance. Its strength comes from the focus on the individual elements. Instead of working on the complete web app, ReactJS allows a programmer to break down the complex UI into simpler elements.

As per a survey conducted by The State of Javascript, React JS has surpassed Angular and others in becoming the most loved Javascript library.


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React benefits: A blessing for Businesses?

JavaScript *Programming *Development of mobile applications *ReactJS *Software
Launched in 2013, React has been successfully used to develop 1,004,124 websites in the past 6 years. The Javascript library React JS is known for giving simple programming experience and improved performance.

It was released by Facebook to resolve the issues of coding and maintenance with their ads. It was developed with an intention to increase and manage Facebook ads traffic. React has successfully delivered the expected outcomes throughout its journey.
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React: Lifting state up is killing your app

Website development *JavaScript *ReactJS *


I now have a new shiny blog. Read this article with the latest updates there https://blog.goncharov.page/react-lifting-state-up-is-killing-your-app

Have you heard about "lifting state up"? I guess you have and that's the exact reason why you're here. How could it be possible that one of the 12 main concepts listed in React official documentation might lead to poor performance? Within this article, we'll consider a situation when it's indeed the case.

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Vue.js Is Good, But Is It Better Than Angular or React?

Website development *JavaScript *Angular *ReactJS *VueJS *
Vue.js is a JavaScript library for building web interfaces. Combining with some other tools It also becomes a “framework”. Now, from our last blog, you already know that Vue.js is one of the top JavaScript frameworks and it is replacing Angular and React in many cases. This brings in the topic of this blog ‘Vue.js is good, but is it better than Angular or React?

In case you’ve never heard or used Vue.js before, you are probably thinking: Come on! yet another JavaScript framework! We get it. However, Vue.js is not new in the custom software development domain. It was first released in 2013 and now it has 130549 stars on Github and downloaded a number of times this year.
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Modern Environment for React Native Applications

Programming *Development for iOS *Development for Android *ReactJS *TypeScript *
In this article, we will consider the process of setting up a React Native environment using expo-cli, Typescript, and Jest.
Typescript will help us avoid development mistakes and write a more efficient mobile application.

Modern tools allow integrating Typescript into the development environment. We can also use VS Code that supports Typescript.

Integration with React Native will give us the opportunity to use the auto-completion service, code navigation, and refactoring.

Expo is a toolkit that simplifies the creation of native React applications. This tutorial will give you an idea of how you can quickly create native React applications using Expo.

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Enhancing Magento Front-end Performance With ReactJS

ReactJS *Studying in IT IT career Magento *Software


Magento is an open-source PHP based platform for building e-commerce solutions. Built by the Magento company (now part of Adobe), it is used by over 350,000 developers all over the world. It enables the creation of highly customizable digital storefronts for Business-to-Customer and Business-to-Business purposes. Magento 2, the transformed version of the Magento E-commerce Platform, comes with brand new architecture, coding structure, and database design.

a) General overview

Magento’s platform is built upon PHP and MySQL. During its lifetime of 10 years (the version 1.0 released in March 2008 and the version 2.0 in November 2015, it has undergone changes in terms of structure and development patterns and is now in its second major version, Magento 2.

Magento’s structure is comprised of two main parts, one being the back-end, with the database and MySQL, and Model, Data and Service interfaces, as can be seen in figure 3. These are directly connected and used in Magento’s Blocks, Layouts, and Templates, which would be defined as the front-end of the application.
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It's high time to become part of an open source project

Open source *Node.JS *Angular *ReactJS *VueJS *
JavaScript developers, I am working on an exciting opensource project pursuing two goals:

  1. Learning best practices in JavaScript/NodeJS
  2. Helping developers and myself to develop and launch MVPs to validate ideas quickly.

As developers, we have tons of ideas and would be awesome to have a simple tool to scaffold a secure project quickly, add a couple of forms, some project specific logic, and here you go — deploy and test your idea.
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ANPR using RoR & React Native

Ruby on Rails *ReactJS *
Danny Krastev, Mirabbos Umarov, Ekaterina Menshenina, ITMO University, Info communication Systems, Computer Science. 2019



Due to the never-ending increase in volume of vehicles surrounding our daily lives, Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), has become an evolving solution for managing and monitoring vehicles worldwide to enforce rules and prevent criminal activities, such as parking violation, red light violation, speeding, and vehicle theft. Although there is already a variety of public and private methods and libraries that have been developed and are used to achieve the automatic recognition of car license plate numbers around the world, there has not been much focus on making advancements toward a cross platform ANPR solution that supports all vehicle license plates worldwide. This paper introduces the Plate Vision project, a web and mobile application built on Ruby on Rails and React Native, which aims to serve as an alternative ANPR platform that supports detection of all license plates worldwide by utilizing various open source optical character recognition (OCR) libraries and making efficiency optimizations.

Key words and phrases: ruby, rails, react native, license plate recognition, plate region extraction, optical character recognition (OCR), ANPR.
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Sidecar for a Code splitting

JavaScript *ReactJS *

Code splitting. Code splitting is everywhere. However, why? Just because there is too much of javascript nowadays, and not all are in use at the same point in time.

JS is a very heavy thing. Not for your iPhone Xs or brand new i9 laptop, but for millions(probably billions) of slower devices owners. Or, at least, for your watches.

So — JS is bad, but what would happen if we just disable it — the problem would be gone… for some sites, and be gone "with sites" for the React-based ones. But anyway — there are sites, which could work without JS… and there is something we should learn from them...

Get in the sidecar!
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React Code Splitting in 2019

JavaScript *ReactJS *

It's 2019! Everybody thinks they know code splitting. So - let's double check!

What does code splitting stand for?

In short – code splitting is just about not loading a whole thing. Then you are reading this page you don't have to load a whole site. When you are selecting a single row from a database – you don't have to take all.
Obvious? Code splitting is also quite obvious, just not about your data, but your code.

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