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  • Hi @jnpuckett ,

    Thanks for the update.

    That’s interesting! I just tried testing this and I’m not able to duplicate the problem by unchecking all the checkboxes on the certificate template. (It renders without error.)

    I’m wondering if your font sizes are an issue. (In your screenshot in the other thread they appear to be quite large 100+px. Have you tried it with smaller – say, 16 – 48px sizes?


    Thread Starter jnpuckett


    Hi @cena
    I have not tried smaller font sizes as the large sizes are needed to work in the design of my certificate template. Since the issue seems to be resolved by checking at least one of the boxes, we’ve used bold text to make the pdf’s work. I’m not sure if you tested the larger font sizes in your own testing or not – either way, I just wanted to post these findings in the event it might help others.


    Hi @jnpuckett ,

    Thanks – I did test on my site with the larger fonts (which were fine). I was vaguely wondering if there were any font-rendering issues going on via the PHP tpdf library, which Certificates uses for certificate rendering.

    In any case, I’lll close this for now, but please let us know if we can help with anything else!

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