Advanced Ads – Ad Manager & AdSense


Are you looking for a simple ad manager plugin? These are the top arguments to use Advanced Ads:

  • approved in publishing and ad optimization since 2009
  • works with all ad types and networks, including Google AdSense, Google Ad Manager (formerly Google DoubleClick for Publishers, DFP), Amazon ads, or ads
  • most features to test and optimize ads
  • unlimited ad units
  • ads.txt support
  • dedicated ad block for the block editor
  • Google AdSense Partner, who implements all technical changes early and in 100% compliance with the Google AdSense policies
  • the only advertising solution with Ad Health integration and Google AdSense violation checks
  • best rated free support

This is what our users are saying about Advanced Ads:

Usamos este plugin para entregar anuncios rotativos en un sitio de noticias de la comunidad y es genial. Rico en funciones y confiable, tu imaginación es el límite cuando se trata del producto que quieres crear para tus usuarios. Hemos entregado más de un millón de impresiones de anuncios desde que los lanzamos hace menos de un año, utilizando una combinación de ubicaciones de barra lateral, superior, fija y en el contenido, tanto de HTML5 como de imágenes. Advanced Ads facilita a nuestro pequeño equipo ofrecer una buena experiencia a nuestros usuarios y anunciantes.
mytown304 on

Would you like to know if there is a certain feature, what the optimized setup would be, or how to implement your client’s demands? Just open a thread in the forum!

Advanced Ads nos ha permitido crecer de 0 a 100 millones de impresiones de anuncios mensuales. ¡Aprovecha nuestra experiencia como editores y monetiza tu web hoy!

Full Feature List.

ad management

  • create and display unlimited ad units
  • rotate ads
  • schedule ads and set start time and expiration date
  • target ads by content and user groups
  • inject ads into posts and pages automatically without coding

ad types

choose between different ad types that enable you to:

  • insert ads and banners from all ad and affiliate networks (e.g., Google AdSense, Amazon, BuySellAds, Google Ad Manager (formerly Google DoubleClick for Publishers, DFP), Ezoic,,, Tradedoubler, Awin, Getyourguide, The Moneytizer, Infolinks…)
  • dedicated support for all types of Google AdSense ads, including text and display ads, native ads (In-article, In-feed, matched content), Auto ads, and Auto ads for AMP
  • display images and image banners
  • create content-rich ads with the WordPress TinyMCE editor
  • insert contextual Amazon Native Shopping Ads
  • inject HTML, CSS, Javascript or PHP code
  • use shortcodes within ads (to also deliver advertisements from another ad plugin like Ad Inserter, AdRotate, Quick AdSense, WP Bannerize, or the Google AdSense Plugin WP QUADS)

display ads for WP

  • auto-inject ads via placements
  • use functions to display ads in template files
  • use shortcodes to place ads manually in post content
  • show ads in the sidebar and in widgets
  • disable all ads on specific pages
  • display multiple ads (ad blocks)
  • display a customizable ad label, e.g., “Advertisements” above each banner ad

display conditions

show ads based on conditions like:

  • individual posts, pages, and other post types
  • posts by category, tags, taxonomies, author, and age
  • archive pages by category, tags, taxonomies
  • special page types like 404, attachment and front page
  • hide ads on secondary queries (e.g., posts in sidebars)
  • display or hide banners within the post feed
  • hide all ads from specific page types, e.g., 404 pages, feed
  • hide ads from bots and web crawlers

visitor conditions

serve ads by conditions based on the visitor. List of all visitor conditions

  • display or hide a banner by device: mobile and tablet or desktop
  • display or hide a banner by role and for logged-in visitors
  • advanced visitor conditions: previously visited URL (referrer), user capability, browser language, browser and device, URL parameters included in Pro
  • display ads by geolocation with the Geo Targeting add-on
  • display ads by browser width with the Responsive add-on

Fantástico plugin y excelente soporte
He probado, al menos, otros tres plugins de anuncios para WordPress y «Advanced Ads» es, con mucho, el mejor. Por último, pero no menos importante, el soporte. El primer puerto de escala son una serie de excelentes tutoriales. Y, finalmente, las manos en el soporte. No sé cómo lo hace, pero la velocidad y la profundidad de las respuestas son absolutamente sorprendentes.
djsawyer on

ad injection | placements

Placements to insert ads in pre-defined positions in your theme and content. List of all placements

  • ads after any given paragraph, headline, image, or other HTML element
  • ads at the top or bottom of the post content
  • ads before closing </head> tag
  • ads in the footer
  • create split tests and A/B testing
  • many more ad positions with add-ons
  • automatic insertion of any kind of code into header or footer, not only advertising

mobile devices

  • display ads on mobile and tablets or desktop only
  • display responsive image ads
  • ads for specific browser sizes only using Responsive Ads
  • inserting ads on AMP pages with Responsive Ads

Google AdSense

Amazing features of the most powerful and easy Google AdSense plugin.

  • unlimited Google AdSense ads banners
  • pull ad units directly from your Google AdSense account
  • show AdSense revenue in WP Admin
  • change settings of your Google AdSense ads directly from your WordPress backend
  • supports all Google AdSense ad types, including Google AdSense display ads, native ads like In-feed ads, In-article ads, matched content ads, Google AdSense Auto ads, and Google AdSense Auto ads for AMP
  • change type and sizes of AdSense ads without going into your Google AdSense account
  • hide Google AdSense advertisements on 404 pages by default (to comply with Google AdSense terms)
  • insert Google AdSense code for verification and AdSense Auto Ads
  • enable AdSense Auto ads on AMP
  • easy Ad Health integration and Google AdSense violation checks
  • option to remove the Google AdSense background color
  • place Google AdSense In-feed ads using the also free In-feed add-on
  • assistant for exact sizes of responsive Google AdSense ads with the Responsive add-on
  • convert Google AdSense ads into AMP ads automatically with the Responsive add-on
  • ads.txt generated with the correct AdSense information automatically
  • funciona junto con Google Site Kit o puedes reemplazarlo si quieres controlar las ubicaciones de tus anuncios

Like j4ckson185, there are thousands of happy AdSense users:

Tu aplicación es fantástica, ¡felicidades! Google Adsense sugiere usar tu aplicación en su sitio web oficial, ¡es increíble!


  • generates an ads.txt with custom content
  • adds the content for AdSense to the ads.txt automatically

ad blocker

  • basic features to prevent ads from being removed by AdBlock and other ad blockers
  • prevent ad blockers from breaking sites where plugin scripts are running
  • ad blocking detection: show alternative content to ad block users with Pro and improve the monetization of your website

Learn more on the plugin homepage.

Thank you for motivating us with your positive review.

Localizations: Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish, Vietnamese


  • all add-ons include priority email support
  • Advanced Ads Pro – powerful tools for ad optimizations: cache-busting, more placements, lazy loading, ad blocker module, click fraud protection, and many more
  • Tracking – track ad impressions and ad clicks with local methods or Google Analytics
  • Responsive Ads – target ads to specific browser sizes and create ads for AMP
  • Google Ad Manager Integration – a quick and error-free way to load ad units from your Google Ad Manager (formerly Google DoubleClick for Publishers, DFP) account without touching any ad codes
  • Geo Targeting – display ads based on the geo location of the visitor
  • Sticky Ads – increase click rates with fixed, sticky, and anchor ads
  • Fixed Widget for WordPress – turn sidebar widgets into performant fixed sticky ads
  • PopUp and Layer Ads – display ads and other content in layers, popups, and interstitials
  • Selling Ads – allows you to sell ads on your website fully automated, including payments and advertiser profiles
  • Ad Slider – create a simple slider from your ads

If you have problems with Advanced Ads, please reach out to our support or open a new topic in our forums on


Advanced Ads se integra con muchos otros plugins:


  • Placements that let you inject ads anywhere into your site without coding (7 in Advanced Ads + 14 through add-ons).
  • Support for all kinds of ad types, including dedicated AdSense type. AMP is included in the Responsive add-on.
  • Flexible ad input with the Plain Text ad type and code highlighting.
  • Align your ads within the content.
  • Dynamically change AdSense ad options in your WordPress backend.
  • Choose where to display your ads using many conditions.
  • Use various conditions to choose who should see ads (basic plugin and more in add-ons).
  • See AdSense earnings in your WP Backend
  • Track impressions and clicks (Tracking add-on).
  • Convert AdSense ads into AMP automatically (Responsive add-on)


Este plugin proporciona 1 bloque.

  • Advanced Ads – Ad Manager & AdSense


How to install the plugin and get it working?

Using The WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard
  2. Search for ‘advanced ads’
  3. Click ‘Install Now’
  4. Activate Advanced Ads on the Plugin dashboard

Uploading in WordPress Dashboard

  1. Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard
  2. Navigate to the ‘Upload’ area
  3. Select from your computer
  4. Click ‘Install Now’
  5. Activate Advanced Ads in the Plugin dashboard

Using FTP

  1. Download
  2. Extract the advanced-ads directory to your computer
  3. Upload the advanced-ads directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  4. Activate Advanced Ads in the Plugin dashboard


How to put ads on WordPress?

You can use Advanced Ads to insert ads into your WordPress site without any coding.

To get started, just take a look at

What about my users’ privacy and GDPR?

The plugin comes with Privacy settings that help you gather consent from users before showing ads to them. The feature works for any ads managed with the plugin, including AdSense Auto ads.

Once you enable one of the Privacy options, Advanced Ads blocks ads that need consent until it is given. You can disable that check for individual ads as well (e.g., for image ads).
You can also deliver non-personalized AdSense ads when that is legally allowed in your area.

Advanced Ads itself does neither save personal information (e.g., an IP address) in your database nor cookies in the visitor’s browser.

You can learn more about how Advanced Ads and its add-ons handles data and privacy of your visitors on this page.

Which ad networks are supported?

Advanced Ads is compatible with all ad networks and banners from affiliate programs like Google AdSense, Chitika, Clickbank, Amazon, and also Google Ad Manager (formerly Google DoubleClick for Publishers, DFP),

You can also use it to insert additional ad network tags into header or footer of your site without coding.

AdSense has even a dedicated ad type leveling the specific options this ad network provides.

PHP functions and shortcodes

You can use functions and shortcodes to display ads and ad groups.

The integers in this example are the IDs of the elements.

Use these shortcodes to insert an ad or group into your post/page.

[the_ad id="24"]
[the_ad_group id="5"]

Use these functions to insert an ad or ad group into your template file.

<?php the_ad(24); ?>
<?php the_ad_group(5); ?>

In addition to directly displaying ads and groups you can define ad placements and assign either an ad or group to them.

[the_ad_placement id="header-left"]
<?php the_ad_placement('header-left'); ?>

Is there a revenue share?

There is no revenue share. Advanced Ads doesn’t alter your ad codes in a way that you earn less than you would directly including the ad code in your template.

Can I place ads directly in my theme files?

Yes. I would add a «Manual» placement into your theme files. It would allow you to change the displayed ads or groups later without changing your code again.

Does it work with other ad plugins?

Sí. El plugin Advanced Ads se puede combinar con otros plugins de anuncios.
Simplemente usa sus shortcodes en nuestro tipo de anuncio de «Medios enriquecidos» para combinar ambas funciones.
Funciona con AdRotate, Ad Inserter, Ad Injection, Quick AdSense, Quick AdSense Reloaded (WPQUADS), Simple Ads Manager y otros plugins.
Advanced Ads se puede usar junto con Google Site Kit o reemplazarlo si necesitas más control sobre la configuración de tus anuncios.

Is the plugin compatible with page builders?

Yes. It works out of the box with all site builders that allow shortcodes or widgets, like Elementor, SiteOrigin, Beaver Builder, WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer), Nimble Page Builder, and others.
There is also a free add-on to support the WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer).

Will ads show up for ad block users?

Visitors who have any ad blocker (e.g., AdBlock Plus) enabled won’t see ads from known external sources (e.g., AdSense).
You can still monetize those spots with custom content.

Read more about ad blockers and the features Advanced Ads has to deal with them on this page.

Does the plugin support an ads.txt?

Google AdSense and some other networks ask you to provide an ads.txt.
Advanced Ads can create that file automatically with the correct information for AdSense, when you enable the ads.txt feature in Advanced Ads > Settings > General > ads.txt and enter your AdSense publisher ID in Advanced Ads > Settings > AdSense.

I am a developer. Can I customize the plugin?

Sí. Puedes usar un montón de ganchos para personalizar Advanced Ads.


30 de octubre de 2021
Very good plugin. it is feature rich and easy to use. But sometimes changes done in the plugin are not visible inside the wordpress editor at the same time. But, overall its very good.
15 de octubre de 2021
Only thing I can find that works for free
12 de octubre de 2021
There is a slight learning curve which is to be expected for a plugin which is this advanced. Really great plugin. Also, super clean and tight, no conflicts on our sites despite quite a few plugins installed.
Leer todas las 1.245 reseñas

Colaboradores y desarrolladores

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Registro de cambios


  • Fix: ensure Advanced_Ads_Adsense_Report_Helper JavaScript global is defined
  • Fix: hide AdSense setting submit button if there is no publisher ID
  • Fix: show error message when no AdSense account data found


  • Improvement: update AdSense API to V2
  • Improvement: unify layout of backend notices
  • Improvement: move some descriptions into tooltips
  • Improvement: move ad blocker fix options to the related setting
  • Fix: correct uppercase CSS rule for labels in backend
  • Fix: remove usage link for every type except manual placement
  • Fix: correct sorting of placements by type on placement list page
  • Fix: bad language in Analytics Adblock Counter option


  • Improvement: add an inline attribute to the the_ad shortcode that allows the user to change the wrapper from div to span
  • Improvement: update plugin updater class
  • Improvement: rename «Item» option into «Ad / Group» to clarify its purpose
  • Improvement: show a link to create a new ad on the placement page
  • Improvement: show content placements first when creating a new one
  • Improvement: remove welcome panel on ad edit screen
  • Improvement: rename last button in the wizard to «Save» to highlight that this is the last step
  • Fix: wrap advanced_ads_ready_queue in an IIEF to prevent naming collisions


  • Improvement: prevent issues with functionality from other plugins that delay JavaScript execution (WP Rocket, Complianz, et al.).
  • Improvement: unify the layout of the Next buttons in the ad Wizard
  • Improvement: add the updated AdSense code. Added a filter to continue using the old AdSense code. Learn more
  • Improvement: update Ad Block Counter to work with Google Analytics 4 properties
  • Fix: ensure Ad Admin can save AdSense, Privacy, and License settings
  • Fix: prevent error when «Remove data on uninstall» option is set due to uninitialised constants
  • Fix: ad edit button for ads delivered using groups
  • Fix: improve compatibility with PHP 8 by removing default values from required function parameters


  • overwrite existing options when importing new options
  • add possibility to export privacy, ads.txt and Google AdSense options
  • remove duplicate inline styles for placements with passive cache-busting and activated TCF 2.0 privacy option
  • adjust the Advanced Ads block layout to the default WordPress block layout
  • add migration from Advanced Ads widget to Advanced Ads block
  • fix saving of additional CSS class in Advanced Ads block
  • make placement deletion confirmation dialogue translatable
  • add WebP as allowed image media type for exports


  • fixed a bug that prevented removing placement conditions
  • trim inline-css to remove duplicate spaces
  • check if inline-css index exists in ad options to prevent undefined index notice
  • move Advanced_Ads_Inline_Css class from singleton to one instance per ad, to fix issues with inline-css not being added
  • fixed ad edit button visibility in frontend when ad label was activated


  • show ad label event when ad wrapper is now shown
  • add filter advanced-ads-ajax-ad-select-arguments to modify arguments of AJAX ad selection
  • display ads on BuddyPress pages when no ads allowed on 404 pages
  • Ad blocker fix: do not copy assets from «vendor» and «lib» folders
  • Ad blocker fix: compare assets based on filemtime instead of filesize
  • bump minimal require WP core version to 4.9
  • allow to add a replacement for AdSense page-level code


  • fix authenticated (i.e. logged-in) DOM-based XSS vulnerability while creating jQuery object from user input in Safari and IE


  • fix compatibilty with WP prior to 5.0


  • AdSense deprecated Link Units and might no longer fill them. So we removed them when creating new ads. Learn more
  • enable AdSense Auto ads on AMP pages
  • interpret WP blocks in the plain text ad type
  • remove MailPoet warning since they are not retiring custom shortcodes after all
  • convert jQuery shorthand functions to .on() and .trigger()
  • made shortcode button work with WordPress 4.9
  • allow to exclude conditions from the «new display condition» dropdown
  • prevent AdSense earnings box from appearing on non AdSense ad page when AdSense connection is lost


  • reverted erroneously removing plugin author index


  • removed warning about iThemes Security since it is no longer causing the reported issue
  • added correct icon to Advanced Ads block
  • fixed escaping for AdSense Auto ads codes that use the deprecated «Disable Top Level» option
  • fixed TinyMCE warning in dev console
  • replaced intval() and floatval() with type-casting


  • MailPoet is going to deprecate custom shortcodes. See this section in case you are using Advanced Ads ads in your newsletters
  • updated Google AdSense API to use web application verification
  • prevent accidental public ad URLs. See Making the Ads post type public if you want to query ads via a dedicated URL
  • allow to reserve only width or height for plain, rich content and group ad types


  • fix shortcode button within Classic editor and Classic editor block


  • removed «Disable shortcode button» setting after it became obsolete in 1.22.0
  • added the advanced-ads-disable-shortcode-button filter to disable the shortcode button
  • removed ads.txt-related warnings when the option is disabled
  • fixed issue with loading of shortcode button in editors that disabled custom buttons, e.g., Elementor
  • fixed JavaScript warnings in Elementor editor


  • made dashboard layout compatible with WordPress 5.6
  • removed irrelevant AdSense warnings
  • allow filtering of data-attributes for encoded ads if privacy module is enabled
  • added advanced-ads-ad-edit-show-placement-injection filter to allow removing the placement-injection box on the ad edit screen
  • added advanced-ads-unhide-meta-boxes filter to allow adding of meta box ids that should always be visible on ad edit pages
  • added advanced-ads-ad-option-{$field} filter for ad options
  • added action hooks for ad status changes: advanced-ads-ad-status-published, advanced-ads-ad-status-unpublished, advanced-ads-ad-status-{$old_status}-to-{$new_status}
  • removed public URLs for single ads on some installations
  • fixed old icon in the menu
  • fixed Internet Explorer 11 incompatibility
  • fixed possible error in TinyMCE editor caused by ad blockers


  • fixed pagination on the ad list page
  • fix Google AdSense non-personalized ads


  • enable Position options for Sidebar placements
  • increased default weight for ads imported to a group from 1 to 5 which is mostly relevant when selling ads to existing placements
  • Ad Health: added body classes that explain plugin behavior at given moment
  • ads.txt: prevented converting special characters into HTML entities
  • show ad overview list even if all ads were moved to trash
  • fixed error when specific ACF function does not exist
  • fixed option to disable ads also on the «Posts page» as set in the WordPress Reading settings


  • whitelist field groups created by Advanced Custom Fields on the ad edit page
  • prevent including AdSense Auto ads code when the Borlabs Cookie is already adding it
  • prevented adding unneeded escape characters to ads.txt file
  • added compatibility with Funding Choices when consent is not needed


  • fixed displaying image ads if privacy method is set to custom cookie
  • fixed scroll to last edited placement with non-English letters
  • fixed minor UI issues


  • don’t escape top anchor ads code as a whole, user input has already been escaped


  • integrate with TCF 2.0 compatible consent management platforms, e.g., Quantcast Choices
  • improve timezone methods Advanced_Ads_Utils::get_wp_timezone() and Advanced_Ads_Utils::get_timezone_name()
  • Divi theme: made content injection work with the «Unlimited ad injection» setting disabled
  • added missing spaces to image ad tags to fix Cache-Busting issue
  • made ad centering work when right and left margin are set
  • add ad health check if __tcfapi responds but the privacy module is either not enabled or not set to TCF 2.0
  • remove duplicate lines from the ads.txt file
  • fixed layout issues that happens due to the JNews theme


  • apply WordPress lazy loading for images to images in ad content
  • layout fixes for WordPress 5.5


  • placements are now ordered by type on the Placements page. You can still choose ordering by name
  • the «custom» option of the Content placement now comes with a picker to select the position in the frontend
  • WPML: placements pages show ads according to the selected language
  • WPML: display the ad in the original language if a translated ad is missing unless the publisher chooses to hide it instead
  • prevented injection of ads into captions of «image» blocks
  • improved bot check
  • fixed layout of expiry data fields
  • fixed broken check for the Responsive add-on


  • inject ads automatically based on div, table, quotes, iframe, and other HTML tags
  • define your own injection rules using the new «custom» option for the Content placement
  • hide Shortcode button in TinyMCE editor by default for new users
  • added advanced-ads-options filter for main plugin options
  • prevent automatic ad injection into paragraphs within blockquotes
  • hide placement options after publishing an ad translated with WPML
  • disallowed ad insertion into the header of the WP File Manager’s admin page


  • set default name for ads where none was given
  • fixed issue where long option markup could break the group page
  • made placements of type other than «Header Code» work with «Thrive Theme Builder» theme


  • added Datanyze and Ecosia to bots list
  • linked to Google Ad Manager Integration
  • fixed Layout Key field for AdSense ads not saving new values
  • fixed error that broke the wizard when the URL field of image ads contained a wrong value
  • fixed links to manuals
  • fixed unneeded notification shown when ads are disabled on 404 pages


  • fixed escaped HTML tag in Ad Planning column
  • fixed possible JavaScript error caused by Ad Health checks
  • fixed possible third-party conflict causing the ad group filter to throw an exception
  • removed unneeded notification shown when ads are disabled on 404 pages


  • fixed warning about missing the_content filter in WordPress 5.4
  • fixed public warning if the WordPres widget function is called with wrong parameters
  • fixed wrong usage of get_current_user


  • WPML: placements now deliver also ads translated with WPML when only one of the language versions was assigned to them
  • fixed delete option in placement form


  • fixed index value of content placements not showing up in the form while saved and working correctly
  • recovered compatibility with the «Render Blocking JS» option of the WP Fastest Cache plugin


  • improved coding style in backend templates
  • prepared for option to allow minimum number of words between ads in Advanced Ads Pro
  • hide notice that warns if the «Disable ads in REST API» option was selected
  • Renad theme: fixed a bug that caused menu item to point to incorrect url instead of theme options


  • fixed ads being injected multiple times when using the Newspaper theme or multiple the_content filters


  • added option and Display Condition to disable ads in content served through the REST API
  • made error notices less obstrusive
  • code style optimizations
  • fixed ad groups form on ad edit page
  • fixed potential conflict with autoloader


  • prevented content injection into specific elements where ads cause issues
  • assign advads-stop-injection class to any element into which you don’t want to automatically inject ads
  • fixed possible cURL error when checking existing ads.txt file locally


  • replaced autoloader
  • fixed an issue where an expired ad removed HTML in the ad code


  • fixed failing upload of new image ads
  • fixed Google Ad Manager debug link also showing up when other Google Publisher Tags are used


  • improved AdSense ad unit list coming from the AdSense API
  • improved «highlight ads» option in Ad Health
  • show notice if AJAX calls are broken
  • added as exception for placing ads.txt files in subdomains
  • removed placeholder for AdSense ads in the Customizer and Elementor editor
  • fix for WP Smush lazy load preventing image ads from showing at all


  • fixed JavaScript that broke privacy module check in the frontend
  • allow to change size of AdSense ads loaded from the AdSense account


  • moved all users to the new content injection logic and removed opt-out option
  • use new Auto ads code for everyone who didn’t enable the «Disable top anchor ads» option
  • hide «Disable top anchor ads» option to users who didn’t enable it
  • the Ad Admin user role can now also save the plugin settings
  • hide Wizard for existing ads
  • removed warning about WP Autoterms plugin after a fix by the plugin authors
  • some work for Conditions to improve compatibility with an upcoming Pro feature
  • fixed multiple wrappers occurred as result of using nested ads
  • fixed missing index issue on 404 pages for logged-in admins
  • fixed AJAX/PHP error 403 on Settings page
  • fixed layout issue that happened when «If>So Dynamic Content» plugin was active
  • prevented Ad label from taking height of fixed sized AdSense ads