Support » Plugin: Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth » The Jetpack server was unable to communicate with your site [HTTP 500]

  • Resolved beardnbush


    I’m having an issue installing Jetpack on my site hosted at The error is: The Jetpack server was unable to communicate with your site [HTTP 500]. Ask your web host if they allow connections from If you need further assistance, contact Jetpack Support:

    I have contacted ipage support and they said it is the plugin provider’s issue and I need to contact Jetpack support.

    I did try all the troubleshooting steps, disabling all security, disabling jetpack, removing and reinstalling. Making sure .htaccess allows for xmlrpc.php to be accessed, ran the xmlprc.php test and that worked.

    Not sure what to do next…

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Ryan C.


    Thanks for getting in touch! It looks like your site loads over https. However, your site settings may still be referencing the http URL.

    Can you check your Site and WordPress URL settings under Settings > General in your WP Admin dashboard? Check to ensure they reflect the actual URL of your site, including the https prefix.

    Let us know once you’ve done so and we’ll go from there!

    Thread Starter beardnbush


    Hi Ryan, thanks for the help. Both the WordPress Address (URL) and the Site Address (URL) are set to be:

    Initially, the site did have a couple of days ago, but I had changed it at that time but was still getting the same error.

    Plugin Contributor Stef (a11n)


    Hi @beardnbush,

    It seems like the site is currently not connected with Jetpack – am I right? We’re happy to help you set up Jetpack if you can try connecting it again 🙂

    Here’s how to do it – just in case you need help reconnecting:

    Look forward to your reply!

    Thread Starter beardnbush


    Hi @erania-pinnera , thanks for the suggestion.

    I have tried to reconnect, uninstall, reinstall and reconnect Jetpack before making this post. I just tried it again and it is still giving me the same message: The Jetpack server was unable to communicate with your site [HTTP 500]. Ask your web host if they allow connections from If you need further assistance, contact Jetpack Support:

    Other suggestions? I’m willing to try anything 🙂

    Plugin Contributor Dan (a11n)


    Hi again

    iPage should be able to locate those 500 errors in their server error logs and help you figure out what’s causing them.

    It’s possible there may be something else installed on the site that’s causing problems. The quickest way to figure out if something is interfering is to test for a theme or plugin conflict.

    I know it’s less than ideal, but could you please try the following:

    – Temporarily deactivate all the site’s plugins except for Jetpack and clear your browser’s cache.
    – Then try connecting Jetpack again. If it works, then we’ll know that another plugin is conflicting here. You can then re-enable your plugins one by one, checking the Jetpack connection in between, until you find the one causing the conflict. You can leave it disabled or reach out to the plugin developer for a fix.

    If disabling plugins doesn’t help, it may be the theme.

    – Temporarily switch your theme to a WordPress default theme like Twenty Twenty. Then try connecting Jetpack again. If it works, then you know it’s a problem with the theme, and you can reach out to the theme developer for a fix.

    Let us know how that goes.

    Thread Starter beardnbush


    Hi @drawmyface , thanks for the help.

    After trying just about every troubleshooting step, I found that the Ctype in the function for setting up Jetpack was not supported in PHP 7.4, but is support in PHP 7.3.

    I reset the PHP to 7.3 and Jetpack installed like a charm.

    Thread Starter beardnbush


    @drawmyface interestingly, even though it will setup under 7.3, after setting the site back to 7.4, Jetpack cannot be viewed in the dashboard and the error: “There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.”

    I’m using Thrive Themes, so maybe it is a problem with that plugin. I’ll revert to Twenty Twenty and see if that makes a difference.

    Plugin Contributor Jen H. (a11n)


    Hey @beardnbush,

    Looks like we’re not able to access your site’s XML-RPC file right now. Not sure if the other things you’re reporting are related, but that’s definitely something that needs to be resolved before we can go any further.

    You can see the 406 Not Acceptable here:

    That page should simply say, “XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.” on a completely white screen, with the text left-justified in the top corner of the screen. You can see a working example here:

    Please ask your host’s customer support team to allow Jetpack to access XML-RPC (or, modify your security plugin settings.) Then, try reconnecting Jetpack:

    Thread Starter beardnbush


    Hi @jenhooks , that’s because I had to set the PHP version back to 7.4 so I can work on my site. If i change it to PHP 7.3 then my site stops working, yet Jetpack will start working.

    Any ideas?

    Plugin Contributor Stef (a11n)


    Hi @beardnbush,

    This is interesting:

    After trying just about every troubleshooting step, I found that the Ctype in the function for setting up Jetpack was not supported in PHP 7.4, but is support in PHP 7.3.

    In a nutshell, your site crashes if you use PHP7.3, but if you use v7.4, then Jetpack doesn’t work.

    I checked around, and it’s possible that the ctype isn’t enabled on 7.4 on your servers just yet.

    Could you please double-check this with your host to see what they know about that? Thanks a lot!

    Thread Starter beardnbush


    Hi @erania-pinnera, I did contact them again and it was not enabled. Their response: “Thank you for your patience. I have enabled Ctype extension successfully on PHP version 7.4”

    However, even though they enabled it, it still does not work under 7.4. It will install, but you cannot go through the setup without the [HTTP 500] error.

    In the CGI log, it does show an uncaught function for Ctype in the class-manager.php file.

    /hermes/bosnacweb04/bosnacweb04am/b1398/ipg.plcadmin/wp_site_1611617410/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/vendor/automattic/jetpack-connection/src/class-manager.php(1667): Automattic\Jetpack\Connection\Manager->verify_secrets(‘regis
    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function Automattic\Jetpack\Connection\ctype_digit() in /hermes/bosnacweb04/bosnacweb04am/b1398/ipg.plcadmin/wp_site_1611617410/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/vendor/automattic/jetpack-connection/src/class-manager.php:1743
    Stack trace:
    #0 /hermes/bosnacweb04/bosnacweb04am/b1398/ipg.plcadmin/wp_site_1611617410/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/vendor/automattic/jetpack-connection/src/class-manager.php(1667): Automattic\Jetpack\Connection\Manager->verify_secrets(‘regis

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by beardnbush.
    Thread Starter beardnbush


    @erania-pinnera , this seemed to do the trick for the fix:

    Increase memory limits
    PHP memory limit set from 256M to 512MB
    max post size from 20M to 60MB.
    WP-memory limit from 40M to 256 MB
    max upload size from 20 MB to 50 MB
    max execution time from 120 to 300.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by beardnbush.
    Plugin Contributor Ryan C.


    @beardnbush thanks for the update, I’m glad you found a fix! Just to confirm, is everything now working as expected? Or is there anything else that we can help with?

    Thread Starter beardnbush


    Hi @ryancowles, thanks. However, Jetpack does not work with PHP 7.4 on my site, yet runs with Thrive Apprentice just fine under PHP 7.3. I think I’m going to pull my hair out.

    At this point, I’m not sure if it is Jetpack or something else. It was said in another post above that the problem was that Ctype was not enabled for PHP 7.4. My host enabled it and I still have the same problem (I’ll need to confirm again with my host that it was enabled).


    Set site to use PHP 4
    Go to the manage WP interface
    Select Jetpack dashboard

    The error I get is: Jetpack Dashboard was unable to properly communicate with your website. Please check your website’s error logs to see what’s wrong.

    The error log shows this:


    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function ctype_digit() in /hermes/bosnacweb04/bosnacweb04am/b1398/ipg.plcadmin/wp_site_1611617410/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/vendor/automattic/jetpack-connection/legacy/class-jetpack-signature.php:217

    Stack trace:

    #0 /hermes/bosnacweb04/bosnacweb04am/b1398/ipg.plcadmin/wp_site_1611617410/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/vendor/automattic/jetpack-connection/src/class-client.php(162): Jetpack_Signature->sign_request(‘dD8Cy*hhwNvCd*H…’, 1612451045, ‘O1kxFaQdg9’,

    PHP needs to then be reverted to 7.3 for Jetpack to work again.

    Thread Starter beardnbush


    Ok, final update. Ipage did not enable ctype for PHP 7.4 like they said they did. I just had them confirm it was enabled while I walked through the confirmation steps. Now all kinds of stuff seems to be working as it should.

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