Depuis 2001, la FSFE renforce les droits des utilisateurs en supprimant les obstacles à la liberté des logiciels. Voilà 20 ans que nous aidons les individus et organisations à comprendre le rôle que joue le Logiciel Libre dans la liberté, la transparence et l'autodétermination.

Pour les deux prochaines décennies, nous avons besoin de votre aide. Nous voulons que tout le monde puisse contrôler sa technologie. Le Logiciel Libre et ses libertés de pouvoir utiliser, étudier, partager et améliorer les logiciels sont la clé pour atteindre cet objectif.

Free Software Foundation Europe

La Free Software Foundation Europe est une association à but non lucratif qui offre aux utilisateurs les moyens de contrôler la technologie.

Le logiciel est profondément ancré dans tous les aspects de nos vies. Le Logiciel Libre donne à chacun·e le droit d'utiliser, de comprendre, d'adapter et de partager des logiciels. Ces droits permettent de soutenir d'autres droits fondamentaux comme la liberté d'expression, la liberté de la presse et la vie privée. En savoir plus...

Nos dernières nouvelles Voir plus...

Router Freedom at risk: Latvia allows restrictions to consumers' rights

27 October 2021

Latvia's reform of the telecom law weakens Router Freedom in the country. The national regulator, SPRK, has allowed ISPs to restrict the use of personal routers on the grounds of "technological necessity". We explain why this is problematic and what impact it can have for end-users' rights.  

Ecodesign Directive: FSFE calls for Device Neutrality and Upcycling of Software

15 October 2021

As contribution to the revisal of the EU ecodesign directive and to help understand the impact of software obsolescence, the FSFE publishes a study on the sustainability of software. The findings of the study culminate in five core demands for a more sustainable digitisation, covering the interplay of devices, software, and infrastructure.  

Till Jaeger +++ Youth Hacking 4 Freedom +++ SFScon 2021

12 October 2021

In our October Newsletter read about Till Jaeger, who knows first-hand what it takes to enforce Free Software licenses. Find out about the contest we just launched: Youth Hacking 4 Freedom. Learn about the donations by a high school yearbook team. Follow our latest activities and write down the dates of the upcoming SFScon.  

Notre communauté Devenir actif...

The "Public Money - Public Code" campaign, as well as the "REUSE Initiative" made me notice that the FSFE is an organization which supports the same ideals that I do. I want to help them do more great things, and so now I am proud FSFE supporter.

Greg Kroah-Hartman (Linux Kernel Developer)

I hope that more and more people will understand the importance of being ethical in their digital life and thus consciously use Free Software and that we will have more and more volunteers from all over Europe.

Amandine “Cryptie” (Privacy Specialist)

I support the FSFE because it's totally worth it. Its community is strong and very knowledgeable on a wide range of topics, so contributing to its mission is a good way to help the Free Software movement.

Vincent Lequertier (PhD candidate Artificial Intelligence)

Vos prochaines étapes

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28 October 2021

October Meeting of the Berlin Fellowship Group (online)

08 November 2021

Local group meeting of the FSFE Community Bonn, in Bonn, Germany

12 – 13 November 2021

FSFE with sustainability track and talks at SFSCon, Italy

Voir tous les événements...