Dundee University Students' Association

Building a kinder, greener, diverse global student community that creates a lasting impact for generations to come

Celebrating Black History Month

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Celebrating Black History Month 2021

Dundee University Students’ Association (DUSA) is joining forces with the Scottish BAME Writers Network and Dundee City Council to hold four intimate book readings across Dundee as part of Black History Month. Taking place throughout October, the readings reflect...

Don’t Be A Prick 2021

Dundee University Students’ Association (DUSA) will be promoting their award winning ‘Don’t Be A Prick’ campaign on campus during Freshers to promote their zero tolerance approach to sexual harassment, discrimination, and bullying. The creative campaign will see...

DUSA Joins The ‘Ask For Angela’ Campaign

DUSA will be supporting an innovative campaign which helps enable those who feel vulnerable on a night out to discreetly ask bar and stewarding staff for help. The ‘Ask for Angela’ initiative aims to reduce sexual violence and vulnerability by providing revellers with...