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Code Review /


The wpcomvip-bot is a GitHub bot for VIP Go that keeps repositories up-to-date and helps with code reviews.

If you see a Pull Request from wpcomvip-bot, it means there is an update available for a plugin in your repository. Remaining consistent with standard VIP practice, these updates will never be merged on your behalf unless they contain critical security or performance updates required to maintain stability on your site. It is, however, recommended that you test and deploy these changes in a timely manner.


The changes in the pull requests created by wpcomvip-bot have not necessarily been tested by VIP against an application’s codebase. Be sure to test all changes before merging them to production.


Pull requests created by wpcomvip-bot are opened with branch names prefixed with vip/. You can find the name of the branch under the pull request title in the GitHub UI. You can git merge the PR branch into a development branch.

If that doesn’t work,  you can also git cherry-pick the commit into your testing branch. The SHA-1 hash of the commit can also be found in the GitHub UI, in the Commits tab.

Last updated: September 27, 2021