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Day and Night World Map

The map shows day and night on Earth and the positions of the Sun (subsolar point) and the Moon (sublunar point) right now.

Map showing day and night parts of the world

UTC time = Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 01:08:00.

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March equinox | June solstice | September equinox | December solstice

Sun symbol = The Sun's position directly overhead (zenith) in relation to an observer.

Moon symbol = The Moon's position at its zenith in relation to an observer (Moon phase is not shown).

= Civil Twilight (lightest shade)

= Nautical Twilight

= Astronomical Twilight

= Night, no twilight (darkest shade)

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Position of the Sun: Subsolar Point

On Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 01:08:00 UTC the Sun is at its zenith at Latitude: 12° 48' South, Longitude: 158° 58' East

The ground speed is currently 452.41 meters/second, 1628.7 kilometres/hour, 1012.0 miles/hour or 879.4 nautical miles/hour (knots). The table below shows position of the the Sun compared to the time and date above:

TimeLongitude DifferenceLatitude DifferenceTotal
1 minute0° 15' 00.1"16.87 miWest0° 00' 00.8"0.02 miSouth16.87 mi
1 hour15° 00' 03.4"1011.88 miWest0° 00' 50.7"0.97 miSouth1011.85 mi
24 hours0° 01' 17.8"1.46 miWest0° 20' 10.6"23.12 miSouth23.16 mi

Position of the Moon: Sublunar Point

On Wednesday, October 27, 2021 at 01:08:00 UTC the Moon is at its zenith at Latitude: 26° 12' North, Longitude: 52° 52' East

The ground speed is currently 402.18 meters/second, 1447.9 kilometres/hour, 899.7 miles/hour or 781.8 nautical miles/hour (knots). The table below shows position of the the Moon compared to the time and date above:

TimeLongitude DifferenceLatitude DifferenceTotal
1 minute0° 14' 29.1"14.99 miWest0° 00' 01.1"0.02 miSouth14.99 mi
1 hour14° 29' 11.8"899.18 miWest0° 01' 12.9"1.39 miSouth899.26 mi
24 hours12° 18' 52.8"764.48 miEast1° 04' 27.4"73.95 miSouth771.50 mi

Locations With the Sun Near Its Zenith

The following table shows 10 locations with Sun near zenith position in the sky.

LocationLocal TimeDistanceDirection
HoniaraWed 12:08 pm387 km241 miles209 nmNorth-northeast NNE
GizoWed 12:08 pm569 km354 miles307 nmNorth-northwest NNW
ArawaWed 12:08 pm817 km508 miles441 nmNorth-northwest NNW
LuganvilleWed 12:08 pm935 km581 miles505 nmEast-southeast ESE
Port VilaWed 12:08 pm1142 km710 miles617 nmEast-southeast ESE
NoumeaWed 12:08 pm1314 km817 miles710 nmSoutheast SE
Port MoresbyWed 11:08 am1339 km832 miles723 nmWest-northwest WNW
CairnsWed 11:08 am1491 km927 miles805 nmWest-southwest WSW
YarenWed 1:08 pm1614 km1003 miles872 nmNorth-northeast NNE
BrisbaneWed 11:08 am1739 km1080 miles939 nmSouth-southwest SSW

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