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On This Day in History, April 18

What Happened On This Day – April 18

  • 1956 Rainier III marries Grace Kelly

    The wedding celebrations for the Prince of Monaco and the glamorous U.S. actress were broadcast around the world and enthused the population of war-torn Europe.

  • 1951 The European Coal and Steel Community, a precursor of the European Union, is established

    The Treaty of Paris was signed by France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

  • 1949 Ireland becomes an independent republic

    Six counties in the northern part of the island remained in the Commonwealth, leading to a decades-long ethno-nationalist conflict that culminated in The Troubles.

  • 1906 A massive earthquake destroys San Francisco

    About 3000 people died in the disaster. Over 80 percent of the city was destroyed by the quake and resulting fires.

  • 1506 Construction of the current St. Peter's Basilica begins

    St. Peter's in Vatican City is one of the world's most important Catholic sites.

Births On This Day – April 18

  • 1973 Haile Gebrselassie

    Ethiopian runner

  • 1971 David Tennant

    Scottish actor

  • 1964 Niall Ferguson

    Scottish historian

  • 1902 Menachem Mendel Schneerson

    Russian/French rabbi

  • 1882 Leopold Stokowski

    Polish/English conductor

Deaths On This Day – April 18

  • 2012 Dick Clark

    American television host, producer, founded Productions

  • 2002 Thor Heyerdahl

    Norwegian explorer

  • 1964 Ben Hecht

    American screenwriter, director, producer

  • 1955 Albert Einstein

    German/American physicist, Nobel Prize laureate

  • 1943 Isoroku Yamamoto

    Japanese Admiral