Posts Tagged“fun”

How much fun are you having these days in the thing you call life? In the event you are not enjoying it as much as you should, any thoughts on how to turn things around? Yes, there are a myriad of ways you can go about getting more out of life. With that in mind, is today the day you begin that? Where Can You Find More Fun? In your quest to have more fun in your life, here are three ways to go about it: 1. Have an upbeat attitude – Many people go through down times in life.…

A lot of people feel as if time is passing too quickly. This is an age-old problem. While it’s tempting to blame technology for the fact that a lot of people feel this way, technology can actually help all of us make the most of each given year. You just have to use the tech around you correctly. Your busy schedule might get in the way, since that’s what tends to be the culprit anyway. However, with the right planning, each year will have much more of an impact. Schedule a Wide Range of Different Activities for Yourself During Your…

What gets you out of your home besides work, appointments and the rest of the normal daily grind? For some individuals, they spend too much time hibernating at home. As a result, they miss out on all there is to see in the outside world. If you’ve been slow to gravitate towards outdoor activities, change that moving ahead. Water, Mountains and More to Enjoy In doing all you can to get outside and enjoy a myriad of activities, consider the following: 1. Water – In relation to where you live or where you plan to travel, how far are you…

It can be hard to keep watching the playoffs after your beloved Blackhawks got all but annihilated by the Predators, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to swear off the Stanley Cup all together. There’s still great hockey to be played, and you have to keep eyes on the games to see if your brackets have held up. Unfortunately, you’ll have to keep tabs on the likes of Crosby and Getzlaf from the comfort of your couch, as the price of playoffs tickets skyrocket. It doesn’t even have to be the final games for the Stanley Cup. The secondary ticket…

Get ready for a lot of great wins! Here it starts again: you press a penny into the slot, you pull the lever. Then this buzz and the itch of anticipation – and, finally, the ringing and you can see the tray full of shiny gold coins! Congrats, player, you are now the lucky owner of a gargantuan jackpot! Gone are the days when one needed to go to a bricks-and-mortar casino to try one’s luck. The 21st century welcomes us with updated slot machines: there you have interactive gameplay and stunning 3D graphical effects aplenty. Well, let us look…