Digital Engineering

Digital Engineering

Digital Engineering
At BAE Systems, we believe that preserving and expanding the nation’s defense advantage is mission critical.

That’s why we focus on delivering agile, resilient, secure, and cost-effective national defense and security solutions and services, helping our U.S. government customers to adapt and enhance their ability to equip our forces in a changing threat environment. 

As a leading systems integrator, we use digital engineering (DE) tools across our Platform Readiness & Modernization, C5ISR, Intelligence, Cyber & IT and Space capabilities to develop, integrate, and sustain the complex platform and IT systems of our customers and to inform their program decision making across the lifecycle.

Our DE transformation strategy is reflected in our ADAMS™ (Advanced Integrated Data Environment for Agile Manufacturing, Integration and Sustainment Excellence) Reference Architecture, an enterprise-wide, integrated DE environment, enabling our teams to perform end-to-end system design, development, integration and test, maintenance, and sustainment activities. Our virtual, collaborative digital engineering tools and infrastructure are designed to drive innovative solutions, deliver state-of-the-art technologies, and expedite cloud migration to support the current and future missions of our U.S. government customers.  Our suite of tools include:

  • Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE): The use of an modeling and simulation approach as the primary means of information exchange and to create digital threads and “digital twins” for systems
  • Integrated Product Lifecycle Management and Supply Chain Management: Streamlining the lifecycle process of design, build, integration and testing to connect the desktop to the shop floor
  • Cloud Services: Implementing secure cloud services, providing a multi-security enterprise cloud environment and driving cloud migration
  • AI/ML: The use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithmic models in intelligence analysis and cybersecurity applications
  • VR/AR/MR: State-of-the-art Virtual Reality (VR)/Augmented Reality (AR)/Mixed Reality (MR) technology for immersive and collaborative digital engineering, design reviews, training, and application of digital twins technology
  • SecDevOps: The practice of implementing security at every step in the DevOps lifecycle and speed up the delivery speed


Key Benefits of Digital Engineering

  • Improves the quality and the speed of system and system-of-system (SoS) mission capability deliveries
  • Enhances understanding of engineering designs and improves decision making, including all hardware and software configuration, system test and evaluation
  • Collapses the cycle time by moving the right side of the Systems Integration  V to the left, enabling early system understanding, architecture design trades, and detecting defects early in the design phase
  • Reduces lifecycle cost through systematic design reuse and lowering transaction cost
  • Improves the ability of “owning the technical baseline,” configuration and change management, better requirement definition and traceability, and rapid engineering responses
  • Enables knowledge management and communication and across stakeholder communities and acquirer-supplier teams