Support » Fixing WordPress » Reusable blocks – glitches when blocks are updated

  • We have a number of reusable blocks and noticed how they don’t work as expected. Not sure what causes this, it seems a caching issue but we don’t use any such tools.
    Here are the steps:
    – Insert a reusable block in a post
    – Make some edits to the contents of this block
    – Update or publish the post, update reusable block remains checked
    – First the reusable block is updated
    – Then the post is published or updated

    – In manage reusable blocks I see the changes reflected in the block
    – In my published post I see the correct contents for the respective block

    – Exit the post
    – Reopen the post in the editor
    -> You will see the old reusable block

    What I also tried
    – Remove the complete block
    – Reinsert the reusable block
    -> Despite seeing the correct reusable block contents in “manage reusable blocks” the old block is reinserted. (also the tooltip shows the old block contents when hovering over the reusable block in the block inserter)

    Problem can only be reproduced in posts that used to have the old block. A post that never had this block before inserts the correct new block after modifs.
    It really looks like that old block is cached somewhere but I’m not aware of any caching being done in the editor.

    Thanks for your help.

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