Support » Plugin: GiveWP - Donation Plugin and Fundraising Platform » Donations not counting even though status is Complete

  • Resolved pipluper


    Hello! I just noticed that the amounts (from PayPal) don’t always count toward the given form for some reason. Additionally, whenever I remove any donations with a status other than “Complete” it still deletes the amount removed from the form. For example, I had $95 total donations in Form A this morning, but noticed there was an abandoned donation of $100. When I deleted that abandoned $100, the total donations would drop to $0 despite all the other donation records still being there and in the green Complete status.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by pipluper.
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  • Hello,

    I’m having a similar problem. I went to delete the test transactions which were being counted towards my donation totals.

    However, after deleting the test transactions, the real transactions associated with that donor (me) are no longer being counted toward the total. I still have a few real transactions, but the lifetime donations is now reading $0.00.

    Are others experiencing this? Any fix?

    Allie Nimmons


    @mercurywp @pipluper

    Thanks for writing in about this. You’ll want to try to force GiveWP to reexamine the donation totals and recalculate all the totals.

    Go to Donations > Tools > Data. Select the first option in the dropdown – Recalculate Total Donation Amount.

    Hi there,

    I’m going to mark this ticket as resolved, but if there is anything else you need don’t hesitate to reach out.


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