JWT Auth – WordPress JSON Web Token Authentication


WordPress JSON Web Token Authentication allows you to do REST API authentication via token. It is a simple, non-complex, and easy to use. This plugin probably is the most convenient way to do JWT Authentication in WordPress.

Enable PHP HTTP Authorization Header

Shared Hosts

Most shared hosts have disabled the HTTP Authorization Header by default.

To enable this option you’ll need to edit your .htaccess file by adding the following:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)
RewriteRule ^(.*) - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]


To enable this option you’ll need to edit your .htaccess file by adding the following (see this issue):

SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1


Configurate the Secret Key

The JWT needs a secret key to sign the token. This secret key must be unique and never be revealed.

To add the secret key, edit your wp-config.php file and add a new constant called JWT_AUTH_SECRET_KEY.

define('JWT_AUTH_SECRET_KEY', 'your-top-secret-key');

You can use a string from here

Configurate CORs Support

This plugin has the option to activate CORs support.

To enable the CORs Support edit your wp-config.php file and add a new constant called JWT_AUTH_CORS_ENABLE

define('JWT_AUTH_CORS_ENABLE', true);

Namespace and Endpoints

When the plugin is activated, a new namespace is added.


Also, two new POST endpoints are added to this namespace.


Requesting/ Generating Token


To generate token, submit a POST request to this endpoint. With username and password as the parameters.

It will validates the user credentials, and returns success response including a token if the authentication is correct or returns an error response if the authentication is failed.

Sample of success response when trying to generate token:

    "success": true,
    "statusCode": 200,
    "code": "jwt_auth_valid_credential",
    "message": "Credential is valid",
    "data": {
        "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvcG9pbnRzLmNvdXZlZS5jby5pZCIsImlhdCI6MTU4ODQ5OTE0OSwibmJmIjoxNTg4NDk5MTQ5LCJleHAiOjE1ODkxMDM5NDksImRhdGEiOnsidXNlciI6eyJpZCI6MX19fQ.w3pf5PslhviHohmiGF-JlPZV00XWE9c2MfvBK7Su9Fw",
        "id": 1,
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "nicename": "contactjavas",
        "firstName": "Bagus Javas",
        "lastName": "Heruyanto",
        "displayName": "contactjavas"

Sample of error response when trying to generate token:

    "success": false,
    "statusCode": 403,
    "code": "invalid_username",
    "message": "Unknown username. Check again or try your email address.",
    "data": []

Once you get the token, you must store it somewhere in your application. It can be:
– using cookie
– or using localstorage
– or using a wrapper like localForage or PouchDB
– or using local database like SQLite or Hive
– or your choice based on app you develop 😉

Then you should pass this token as Bearer Authentication header to every API call. The header format is:

Authorization: Bearer your-generated-token

and here’s an example:

"Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvcG9pbnRzLmNvdXZlZS5jby5pZCIsImlhdCI6MTU4ODQ5OTE0OSwibmJmIjoxNTg4NDk5MTQ5LCJleHAiOjE1ODkxMDM5NDksImRhdGEiOnsidXNlciI6eyJpZCI6MX19fQ.w3pf5PslhviHohmiGF-JlPZV00XWE9c2MfvBK7Su9Fw";

The jwt-auth will intercept every call to the server and will look for the authorization header, if the authorization header is present, it will try to decode the token and will set the user according with the data stored in it.

If the token is valid, the API call flow will continue as always.

Whitelisting Endpoints

Every call to the server (except the token creation some default whitelist) will be intercepted. However, you might need to whitelist some endpoints. You can use jwt_auth_whitelist filter to do it. Please simply add this filter directly (without hook). Or, you can add it to plugins_loaded. Adding this filter inside init (or later) will not work.

If you’re adding the filter inside theme and the whitelisting doesn’t work, please create a small 1 file plugin and add your filter there.

add_filter( 'jwt_auth_whitelist', function ( $endpoints ) {
    $your_endpoints = array(

    return array_unique( array_merge( $endpoints, $your_endpoints ) );
} );

Default Whitelisted Endpoints

We whitelist some endpoints by default. This is to prevent error regarding WordPress & WooCommerce. These are the default whitelisted endpoints (without trailing * char):

// Whitelist some endpoints by default (without trailing * char).
$default_whitelist = array(
    // WooCommerce namespace.
    $rest_api_slug . '/wc/',
    $rest_api_slug . '/wc-auth/',
    $rest_api_slug . '/wc-analytics/',

    // WordPress namespace.
    $rest_api_slug . '/wp/v2/',

You might want to remove or modify the existing default whitelist. You can use jwt_auth_default_whitelist filter to do it. Please simply add this filter directly (without hook). Or, you can add it to plugins_loaded. Adding this filter inside init (or later) will not work.

If you’re adding the filter inside theme and the it doesn’t work, please create a small 1 file plugin and add your filter there. It should fix the issue.

add_filter( 'jwt_auth_default_whitelist', function ( $default_whitelist ) {
    // Modify the $default_whitelist here.
    return $default_whitelist;
} );

Validating Token

You likely don’t need to validate the token your self. The plugin handle it for you like explained above.

But if you want to test or validate the token manually, then send a POST request to this endpoint (don’t forget to set your Bearer Authorization header):


Valid Token Response:

    "success": true,
    "statusCode": 200,
    "code": "jwt_auth_valid_token",
    "message": "Token is valid",
    "data": []


If the token is invalid an error will be returned. Here are some samples of errors:

No Secret Key

    "success": false,
    "statusCode": 403,
    "code": "jwt_auth_bad_config",
    "message": "JWT is not configured properly.",
    "data": []


    "success": false,
    "statusCode": 403,
    "code": "jwt_auth_no_auth_header",
    "message": "Authorization header not found.",
    "data": []

Bad Iss

    "success": false,
    "statusCode": 403,
    "code": "jwt_auth_bad_iss",
    "message": "The iss do not match with this server.",
    "data": []

Invalid Signature

    "success": false,
    "statusCode": 403,
    "code": "jwt_auth_invalid_token",
    "message": "Signature verification failed",
    "data": []

Bad Request

    "success": false,
    "statusCode": 403,
    "code": "jwt_auth_bad_request",
    "message": "User ID not found in the token.",
    "data": []

User Not Found

    "success": false,
    "statusCode": 403,
    "code": "jwt_auth_user_not_found",
    "message": "User doesn't exist",
    "data": []

Expired Token

    "success": false,
    "statusCode": 403,
    "code": "jwt_auth_invalid_token",
    "message": "Expired token",
    "data": []

Available Filter Hooks

JWT Auth is developer friendly and has some filters available to override the default settings.


The jwt_auth_cors_allow_headers allows you to modify the available headers when the CORs support is enabled.

Default Value:

'X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Origin, Authorization'

Usage example:

 * Change the allowed CORS headers.
 * @param string $headers The allowed headers.
 * @return string The allowed headers.
    function ( $headers ) {
        // Modify the headers here.
        return $headers;


The jwt_auth_iss allows you to change the iss value before the payload is encoded to be a token.

Default Value:

get_bloginfo( 'url' )

Usage example:

 * Change the token issuer.
 * @param string $iss The token issuer.
 * @return string The token issuer.
    function ( $iss ) {
        // Modify the "iss" here.
        return $iss;


The jwt_auth_not_before allows you to change the nbf value before the payload is encoded to be a token.

Default Value:

// Creation time.

Usage example:

 * Change the token's nbf value.
 * @param int $not_before The default "nbf" value in timestamp.
 * @param int $issued_at The "iat" value in timestamp.
 * @return int The "nbf" value.
    function ( $not_before, $issued_at ) {
        // Modify the "not_before" here.
        return $not_before;


The jwt_auth_expire allows you to change the value exp before the payload is encoded to be a token.

Default Value:

time() + (DAY_IN_SECONDS * 7)

Usage example:

 * Change the token's expire value.
 * @param int $expire The default "exp" value in timestamp.
 * @param int $issued_at The "iat" value in timestamp.
 * @return int The "nbf" value.
    function ( $expire, $issued_at ) {
        // Modify the "expire" here.
        return $expire;


The jwt_auth_alg allows you to change the supported signing algorithm for your application.

Default Value:


Usage example:

 * Change the token's signing algorithm.
 * @param string $alg The default supported signing algorithm.
 * @return string The supported signing algorithm.
    function ( $alg ) {
        // Change the signing algorithm here.
        return $alg;


The jwt_auth_payload allows you to modify all the payload / token data before being encoded and signed.

Default value:

$token = array(
    'iss' => get_bloginfo('url'),
    'iat' => $issued_at,
    'nbf' => $not_before,
    'exp' => $expire,
    'data' => array(
        'user' => array(
            'id' => $user->ID,

Usage example:

 * Modify the payload/ token's data before being encoded & signed.
 * @param array $payload The default payload
 * @param WP_User $user The authenticated user.
 * .
 * @return array The payload/ token's data.
    function ( $payload, $user ) {
        // Modify the payload here.
        return $payload;


The jwt_auth_valid_credential_response allows you to modify the valid credential response when generating a token.

Default value:

$response = array(
    'success'    => true,
    'statusCode' => 200,
    'code'       => 'jwt_auth_valid_credential',
    'message'    => __( 'Credential is valid', 'jwt-auth' ),
    'data'       => array(
        'token'       => $token,
        'id'          => $user->ID,
        'email'       => $user->user_email,
        'nicename'    => $user->user_nicename,
        'firstName'   => $user->first_name,
        'lastName'    => $user->last_name,
        'displayName' => $user->display_name,

Usage example:

 * Modify the response of valid credential.
 * @param array $response The default valid credential response.
 * @param WP_User $user The authenticated user.
 * .
 * @return array The valid credential response.
    function ( $response, $user ) {
        // Modify the response here.
        return $response;


The jwt_auth_valid_token_response allows you to modify the valid token response when validating a token.

Default value:

$response = array(
    'success'    => true,
    'statusCode' => 200,
    'code'       => 'jwt_auth_valid_token',
    'message'    => __( 'Token is valid', 'jwt-auth' ),
    'data'       => array(),

Usage example:

 * Modify the response of valid token.
 * @param array $response The default valid token response.
 * @param WP_User $user The authenticated user.
 * @param string $token The raw token.
 * @param array $payload The token data.
 * .
 * @return array The valid token response.
    function ( $response, $user, $token, $payload ) {
        // Modify the response here.
        return $response;


The jwt_auth_extra_token_check allows you to add extra criterias to validate the token. If empty, has no problem to proceed. Use empty value to bypass the filter. Any other value will block the token access and returns response with code jwt_auth_obsolete_token.

Default value:


Usage example:

 * Modify the validation of token. No-empty values block token validation.
 * @param array $response An empty value ''.
 * @param WP_User $user The authenticated user.
 * @param string $token The raw token.
 * @param array $payload The token data.
 * .
 * @return array The valid token response.
    function ( $response, $user, $token, $payload ) {
        // Modify the response here.
        return $response;


PHP-JWT from firebase
JWT Authentication for WP REST API
Devices utility by pesseba


Enable PHP HTTP Authorization Header

Shared Hosts

Most shared hosts have disabled the HTTP Authorization Header by default.

To enable this option you’ll need to edit your .htaccess file by adding the following:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)
RewriteRule ^(.*) - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]


To enable this option you’ll need to edit your .htaccess file by adding the following (see this issue):

SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1

Installing Through the WordPress Administrative Area:

  • From WordPress administrative area, go to Plugins -> Add New
  • Search for JWT Auth
  • Install it
  • Easily configure it (see “Configuration” below)
  • and then activate it

Installing by Downloading Manually:

  • Download the plugin from WordPress plugins page
  • Upload to your wp-content directory
  • Easily configure it (see “Configuration” below)
  • Activate it from Plugins menu in admin area


Configurate the Secret Key

The JWT needs a secret key to sign the token. It must be unique and never be revealed.

To add the secret key, edit your wp-config.php file and add a new constant called JWT_AUTH_SECRET_KEY.

define('JWT_AUTH_SECRET_KEY', 'your-top-secret-key');

You can use a string from here

Configurate CORs Support

This plugin has the option to enable CORs support.

To enable the CORs Support edit your wp-config.php file and add a new constant called JWT_AUTH_CORS_ENABLE

define('JWT_AUTH_CORS_ENABLE', true);

Finally activate the plugin within the plugin dashboard.


Now almost all REST routes are intercepted. How to exclude some routes/ endpoints?

There’s jwt_auth_whitelist that you can use to whitelist specific endpoints. For more information, pease read Whitelisting Endpoints section in the Description tab.

Do you have GitHub repository for this plugin?

You can visit the GitHub repository here

I use this plugin on my projects. I want this plugin to keep alive and maintained, how can i help?

You can help this plugin stay alive and maintained by giving 5 Stars Rating/ Review or donating me via:


February 9, 2021
good plugin , but please stay this plugin updated it help me for make authentication on my androis app with wordpress as backend thank you
December 9, 2020
Thank You for this fork from old plugin that not supported for a long time. Amazing.
Read all 16 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“JWT Auth – WordPress JSON Web Token Authentication” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“JWT Auth – WordPress JSON Web Token Authentication” has been translated into 4 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “JWT Auth – WordPress JSON Web Token Authentication” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Breaking change: rename jwt_auth_valid_token_extra filter to jwt_auth_extra_token_check. Please check if you use this filter.
  • Breaking bugfix: the actual http statusCode didn’t follow the response statusCode. Now the actual http statusCode follows the response statusCode.
  • New feature: connected device. Thanks @pesseba.
  • Might be a breaking change: Add WordPress & WC default endpoints to jwt_auth_default_whitelist to prevent error when visiting WordPress admin area.
  • Documentation: prevent misleading example by updating the jwt_auth_whitelist usage.


  • Bugfix: add permission_callback argument since it’s required in WP 5.5


  • Bugfix: the previous /wp-json/wp/v2/* whitelisting didn’t work. It should be /wp-json/wp/v2/ (without the star char).


  • Whitelist /wp-json/wp/v2/* by default. This will prevent the plugin from breaking the default WordPress administration (gutenberg, etc).
  • Bugfix: fix the problem with WordPress subdir installation. See issue.


  • Filter Change: jwt_auth_valid_token_response should only filter the $response array instead of the whole WP_REST_Response. Please check if you use this filter 🙂
  • README update about jwt_auth_whitelist filter usage. That filter should be added directly (without hook) OR inside plugins_loaded. Adding it to init (or after that) will not work.


  • Critical Bugfix: WooCommerce admin breaks. With this change, WooCommerce admin should be good.
  • New Filter: We whitelist some endpoints by default to support common plugin like WooCommerce. These default whitelisted endpoints are change-able via jwt_auth_default_whitelist filter.


  • Support WooCommerce by ignoring /wp-json/wc/ and /wp-json/wc-auth/ namespace. You can use jwt_auth_whitelist filter if you want to whiteist other endpoints. See Whitelisting Endpoints section in the description tab.


  • Filter Change: Rename jwt_auth_token_payload filter to jwt_auth_payload
  • Filter Change: Rename jwt_auth_token_response filter to jwt_auth_valid_credential_response
  • Critical Bugfix: The auth only restricted wp-json/jwt-auth/v1/* endpoints. So endpoints under other namespace were not restricted. With this change, other endpoints are restricted now. If you need to whitelist some endpoints, please read about Whitelisting Endpoints section in the description tab.
  • New Filter: jwt_auth_valid_token_response
  • New Filter: Make possible to whitelist specific endpoints via jwt_auth_whitelist filter.
  • New Filter: Make possible to change the token issuer by providing jwt_auth_iss filter.
  • New Filter: Make possible to change the supported algorithm by providing jwt_auth_alg filter.
  • New Filter: Make possible to change the valid token response by providing jwt_auth_valid_token_response filter.
  • Add support for site with disabled permalink.


  • Add jwt_auth_do_custom_auth filter so that developer can use custom authentication like OTP authentication or any other.


  • Working version.