This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

bbPress Toolkit


Swiss knife Toolkit for bbPress. Set global options and style your forums.

Swiss knife tweaking and hacking Toolkit for bbPress. Set global options and style your forums.

Current features:

  • Mentions (email someone by using the @username)
  • Forum and Topic subscription management for keymasters and moderators

And also:

  • Close/Protect forums to new topics (only replies on current topics allowed)
  • Close/Protect profile information so non-logged-in users cannot see them
  • Use TinyMCE editor for topics and replies to add basic HTML
  • Remove or change informational messages, descriptions and breadcrumbs
  • Auto tick the ” Notify me of follow-up replies via email ” when giving a reply
  • Move the ” Subscribe ” option of a forum to the right, not directly after the breadcrums
  • Do not grey out closed topics
  • Inverse the replies order (most recent on top)
  • Do not show the table with the list of subforums when in a forum
  • Remove bbPress css stylesheet from all pages except forum pages
  • Basic System Info (for support personnel)
  • Translation ready !
  • No email sending to blocked users
  • Add search on all pages
  • And more … (see changelog)

See the screenshots for all what can be done !

Consider also the following plugins:

  • bbP Move Topics
  • bbP API

Special thanks to Robkk for his input in the codex!
And thanks to Viktor Szépe for his svn-updater idea.


  • Global Settings
  • Information Settings
  • Performance Settings
  • Close forums (no new topics, only replies)
  • Basic system info


Option 1:

  1. On your dashboard, go to Plugins > Add new
  2. search for bbP Toolkit
  3. install and activate the plugin
  4. Check your Dashboard: Tools > bbP Toolkit

Option 2:

  1. Unzip the contents to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
  3. Check your Dashboard: Tools > bbP Toolkit


Installation Instructions

Option 1:

  1. On your dashboard, go to Plugins > Add new
  2. search for bbP Toolkit
  3. install and activate the plugin
  4. Check your Dashboard: Tools > bbP Toolkit

Option 2:

  1. Unzip the contents to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
  3. Check your Dashboard: Tools > bbP Toolkit
Can I make feature requests

Of course ! Just post something on the support tab

I want this tool in my own language

Great! Go to and start translating. When it is at 100% and accepted, the language should come automatically to your installation.

I love your tool

Thanks. Please leave a review or donate 1 or 2 EUR/USD for a coffee.


June 9, 2020
I have used this plugin for a while and recently my website has been attacked several days a week because some bug and leaks of this plugin (I found it through auditing all the mysql logs) After disabling this plugin all the things go well. So be very careful for using it, as this plugin is not updated for years.
September 14, 2017
I really appreciate the ability to manage subscriptions and customize bbPress message text. I ticked "Remove bbpress css style from all pages except forum pages." under Extras, and most of my site pages returned 404s. The home page, which is built with Page Builder, still loaded fine. Unticking the box and uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin seems to be working.
Read all 14 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“bbPress Toolkit” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“bbPress Toolkit” has been translated into 4 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “bbPress Toolkit” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Added 2.5 fix: Fix page number for topics with over 1000 replies


  • Added option: Manage topic subscriptions (action on topics in the backend)
  • Added Support Info: Database charset and Toolkit version
  • Fix: spelling mistake on settings page
  • Fix: notices/warnings about unexisting variables
  • Fix: Upgrade notice HTML characters


  • Added option: Subscribe new users automatically to forum(s)
  • Added option: Add search box also on forums and topics


  • Added extra: Manage forum and topic subscriptions (as actions on users and forums)
  • Added default: Mentions are activated by default
  • Added Support option: Upgrade to the latest trunk (development) version


  • Added default: Blocked users should not receive email, even if they are subscribed
  • Added option: Remove ‘Private:’ in front of private forums
  • Fix: TinyMCE issues when pasting HTML code
  • Fix: bbP Toolkit menu item not visible in some cases.


  • Added option: Mentions. An email is sent to @username mentionned people
  • Added option: A message can be displayed when a forum is closed for topics
  • Added option: Change separator between admin links
  • Fix: Only administrator of the single site should be able to see the settings


  • Ready for translation:
  • Added option: add (featured) icon in front of forum name
  • Added option: Closed forums no longer show in the dropdown of [bbp-topic-form]
  • Fix: Make sure error and warning are still visible if the “remove Oh Bother! message” option is selected
  • Fix: [bbp-topic-form] gives “You cannot create new topics” message after search


  • Added option: Basic TinyMCE editor to new topics and replies to add basic HTML to your input
  • Added option: Change separator between subforums on the forum index page
  • Added option: Remove the topic and reply counters of the subforums on the forum index page
  • Added option: Only show the last revision of a topic or reply
  • Upgrade: Auto regenerate CSS upon plugin upgrade or activation
  • Settings: Tab approach for the different sections in the settings
  • Performance: Split the main php file into different includes
  • Updated donation info


  • Restrict non-logged-in users from seeing profile
  • Change the maximum topic title length
  • Shorten Freshness wording for topics and replies


  • Close forums for new topics (only replies to current topics allowed)
  • Another fix compatibility for older PHP in the support info
  • CSS generation changed. All code in one file.
  • Remove pagination info


  • Fix compatibility for older PHP in the support info
  • Modify breadcrumbs layout
  • Indication in what version an option was added in the settings


  • Added the long-awaited donate option
  • Inverse the replies order but show lead topic still on top
  • Remove the forum description box or put your own
  • Remove the topic description box or put your own
  • Remove breadcrumb (e.g. Home > Forums > myForum)
  • Basic System Info (for support personnel)


  • Initial release to replace the Global Settings part of bbP Manage Subscriptions.
  • Remove or change the ” Oh bother! No topics were found here! ” message for empty forums
  • Remove or change the ” Your account has the ability to post unrestricted HTML content. ” message.
  • Auto tick the ” Notify me of follow-up replies via email ” when giving a reply
  • Move the ” Subscribe ” option of a forum to the right, not directly after the breadcrums
  • Do not grey out closed topics
  • Inverse the replies order (most recent on top)
  • Do not show the table with the list of subforums when in a forum
  • Remove bbPress css stylesheet from all pages except forum pages