Support » Plugin: Plugin Organizer » Dev: gettext filter slows down

  • Resolved Fabian


    thank you Jeff for the plugin, its very useful to speedup the site.

    While profiling my site, I found that Plugin Organizer itself has a little performance impact. Its the add_filter('gettext', array($this, 'change_page_title'), 10, 2);, which causes the change_page_title function to trigger about 5k times on some pages. this causes a delay of ~200ms.

    You can easily fix it by wrapping the inner condition around the add filter:

    if (isset($_REQUEST['PO_group_view']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['PO_group_view'])) { 
      add_filter('gettext', array($this, 'change_page_title'), 10, 2);

    Can you add this to the next update?

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