WP Activity Log



Keep an activity log of everything that happens on your WordPress sites and multisite networks with the WP Activity Log plugin to:

  • Ensure user productivity
  • Improve user accountability
  • Ease troubleshooting
  • Know exactly what all your users are doing
  • Better manage & organize your WordPress site & users
  • Easily spot suspicious behavior before there are security problems.

WP Activity Log is the most comprehensive real time user activity and monitoring log plugin. It helps hundreds of thousands of WordPress administrators and security professionals keep an eye on what is happening on their websites and is the most highly rated WordPress activity log plugin.

WP Activity Log has been featured on the websites of some of the most popular and leading businesses in the WordPress ecosystem, such as WPBeginner, GoDaddy, and Kinsta.

Note: The activity log for WordPress is FREE and you can keep as much logs as you want. Additional features such as reports, email notifications, SMS alerts, search & filters, integrations with logs management system, and many others are available in the Premium Edition.

Maintained & Supported by WP White Security

WP White Security is a European development company that builds high-quality WordPress security & management plugins. Check out our list of WordPress plugins that can help you better manage and improve the security of your WordPress websites and users.

WordPress Changes & Details the Plugin Keeps a Log Of

As a comprehensive & complete WordPress activity log solution WP Activity Log does not just tell you that a post, a user profile, or an object was updated. It tells you exactly what was changed within the post, the user profile, or the object.

Below is a summary of the changes that the plugin can keep a record of:

  • Post, Page and Custom Post Type changes such as status, content changes, title, URL, custom field & other metadata changes

  • Tags and Categories changes such as creating, modifying or deleting them, and adding or removing them from posts

  • Widgets and Menus changes such as creating, modifying or deleting them

  • User changes such as user created or registered, deleted or added to a site on multisite network

  • User profile changes such as password, email, display name and role changes

  • User activity such as login, logout, failed logins and terminating other sessions

  • WordPress core and settings changes such as installed updates, permalinks, default role, URL and other site-wide changes

  • WordPress multisite network changes such as adding, deleting or archiving sites, adding or removing users from sites etc (activity logs for multisite networks).

  • Plugins and Themes changes such as installing, activating, deactivating, uninstalling and updating them

  • WordPress database changes such as when a plugin adds or removes a table

  • Changes on WooCommerce Stores & products, Yoast SEO, WPForms, Gravity Forms, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), MainWP and other popular WordPress plugins.

  • WordPress site file changes such as new files are added, or existing ones are modified or deleted.

For every event that the plugin records it also reports the:

  • Date & time (and milliseconds) of when it happened,
  • User & role of the user who did the change,
  • Source IP address from where the change happened,
  • The object on which the change has taken place.

Refer to WordPress activity log event IDs for a complete list of all the changes WP Activity Log can keep a record of and a detailed explanation of what change every event ID represents.

Extend the Functionality of WP Activity Log

Upgrade to WP Activity Log Premium to:

  • See who is logged to your website in real-time,
  • See what everyone is doing in real-time,
  • Log off any user with just a click,
  • Generate HTML and CSV reports,
  • Get notified via email of important changes,
  • Get instant SMS message alerts of critical site changes,
  • Search the activity log using text-based searches,
  • Use the built-in filters to fine tune the search results,
  • Store activity log in an external database to improve security and scalability,
  • Mirror the activity log to logs management systems such as AWS CloudWatch, Loggly and Papertrail in real-time,
  • Easily mirror the logs in real-time to business communication systems such as Slack,
  • Send a copy of your websites’ activity log to a log file on your web server in real-time,
  • Archive old activity log data to another database for better storage and log management.

Refer to the features and benefits page for more detailed information on the features of the WP Activity Log plugin.

Free and Premium Support

Support for WP Activity Log is free on the WordPress support forums.

Premium world-class support is available via email to all WP Activity Log Premium users.

Note: paid customer support is given priority and is provided via one-to-one email and over the phone. Upgrade to Premium to benefit from priority support.

Other Noteworthy Features

On top of the comprehensive activity log, WP Activity Log also has a number of non-logging specific features that make it a complete WordPress logging solution, such as:

Refer to the WordPress activity log plugin datasheet for a complete list of all the plugin’s features.

As Featured On:

WP Activity Log extensions for third party plugins

WP Activity Log can keep also a detailed log of changes that happen on other plugins. Below is the list of the activity log extensions for third party plugins:

  • WP Activity Log for WooCommerce: Install this extension to keep a log of changes you and yourr team do in the WooCommerce store settings, orders, products, coupons and much more.
  • WP Activity Log for Yoast SEO: Install this extension to keep a log of the Yoast SEO plugin settings changes, and also of the on-page SEO changes you and your team make in the Yoast SEO meta box.
  • WP Activity Log for WPForms: Install this extension to keep a log of the changes your team does in the WPForms plugin settings, forms, form files, entries (leads) and more.
  • WP Activity Log for Gravity Forms: Install this extension to keep a log of the changes your team does in the Gravity Forms plugin settings, forms, forms settings, entries (leads) and more.
  • WP Activity Log for bbPress: Intall this extension to keep a log of changes in bbPress forums, topics, bbPress settings and more.
  • Activity Log for MainWP: Install this MainWP extension to keep a log of the MainWP network changes and can see the activity logs of all child sites from one central location – the MainWP dashboard.

Related Links and Documentation

WP Activity Log in your language!

We need help translating the plugin and the activity log events. Please visit the WordPress Translate Project to translate the plugin. Drop us an email on [email protected] to get mentioned in the list of translators below.

Install WP Activity Log from within WordPress

  1. Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’
  2. Search for ‘WP Activity Log’
  3. Install and activate the WP Activity Log plugin
  4. Allow or skip diagnostic tracking

Install WP Activity Log manually

  1. Upload the wp-security-audit-log directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the WP Activity Log plugin from the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Allow or skip diagnostic tracking


  • The WordPress activity logs from where the site administrator can see all the user and site changes.
  • See who is logged in to your WordPress and manage users sessions with Users Sessions Management
  • The plugin settings from where site administrator can configure generic plugin settings such as reverse proxy support, who can manage the plugin etc.
  • The WordPress audit trail settings from where you can configure automatic pruning of alerts, which timestamp should be used and more.
  • Configuring WordPress email and SMS alerts with the Email & SMS Notifications module
  • Search in the WordPress activity log with the use filters to fine tune the search results.
  • The Enable/Disable events section from where Administrators can disable or enable activity log events.
  • The Log Viewer of a Super Admin in a WordPress multisite network installation with the Site selection drop down menu.
  • WP Activity Log is integrated with the built-in revision system of WordPress, thus allowing you to see what content changes users make on your WordPress posts, pages and custom post types. For more information read Keep Record of All WordPress Content Changes
  • Mirror the WordPress activity log to an external solution such as Syslog or Papertrail to centralize logging, ensure logs are always available and cannot be tampered with in the unfortunate case of a hack attack.


Support and Documentation

Please refer to our support pages for all the technical information and product documentation.


September 21, 2021
This plugin is great because it can notify you as soon as you get a login from a foreign IP address on your wordpress site.
September 16, 2021
I used the payed version for a startup with a fairly complex WordPress & WooCommerce Subscriptions project and it gave us more peace of mind that we were able to quickly see what users are doing and how the automated payments and changes were working. Can highly recommend using this plugin to gain more insight into your WordPress installation.
September 10, 2021
Been using this for a few years now. When running an agency, we become the ones people call on when anything goes wrong. Using this plugin gives great insight on any changes that occurred. This is one tool that allows us to quickly narrow down issues. Highly recommended!
September 8, 2021
The free version is a nice toe-dip into the water, but the real power comes with the Pro version. @ $199/yr it can feel a little steep, but let me assure you that when you're chasing unexpected behavior, the granular level of tracking is superb.
September 2, 2021
Had an issue that ended up being an oversight on my end. Daniel, from support, was quick to respond and solved my problem in no time. Great way to handle customers!
August 18, 2021
The WP Activity Log plug in (premium) from White Security was a gamechanger for our program. It manages our security requirements quite well, is easy to use (some complexity, but it's a very robust program and you'll have the basics in about 15 minutes), and I can't say enough good things about the exceptional security on offer. These folks bring client support to a whole new level.
Read all 343 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“WP Activity Log” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“WP Activity Log” has been translated into 6 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “WP Activity Log” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


4.3.2 (2021-08-03)

Release notes: WP Activity Log 4.3.2: New external database module, plugin logging, and other exciting features

New event IDs for WP Activity Log plugin settings changes
* ID 6046: enabled / disabled the Login Page Notification.
* ID 6047: changed the text of the Login Page Notification.
* ID 6048: changed the status of the Reverse proxy / firewall option.
* ID 6049: changed the Restriction Access setting.
* ID 6050: changed the list of users that can view the activity log.
* ID 6051: enabled / disabled the Hide plugin in plugins page setting.
* ID 6052: changed the activity log retention policies.
* ID 6053: excluded / included back a user in the activity log.
* ID 6054: excluded / included back a user role in the activity log.
* ID 6055: excluded / included back an IP address in the activity log.
* ID 6056: excluded / included back a post type in the activity log.
* ID 6057: excluded / included back a custom field in the activity log.
* ID 6058: excluded / included back a user profile custom field in the activity log.

New features

* A completely new external database module (with full backward compatability support).
* Activity log can now be stored on external MySQL databases on Microsoft Azure.
* A new sensor to keep a log of WP Activity Log plugin settings changes.
* New setting to "not write activity log to database" when mirroring the activity log to a third party service.
* The "all except from" criterion in the reports, allowing users to easily exclude specific object from a report criteria.
* Plugin database version: the plugin's database is now versioned,  making it much easier to upgrade the database structured when required.
* Custom fields in user profiles can be excluded from the activity log from the "Exclude Objects" settings section.
* The filter "wsal_event_metadata_definition" which allows users to add additional meta data to an event in the activity log. Refer to the list of [hooks & filters](https://wpactivitylog.com/support/kb/list-hooks/) for more information.
* Added events severity level filter in the mirroring connection, allowing users to filter which events should be mirrored by severity level.


* Replaced the old external database buffer system with the Action Scheduler library to improve reliability and performance.
* Redesigned the reports download functionality so it works on any type of WordPress web hosting.
* Replaced the old activity log events migration module with WP Background processing, for a more reliable migration process.
* Full support for PHP 8.
* Detection of third party plugins activity & recommendations for activity log extensions.
* Added a number of checks to the external database module for an improved database connection setup UX.
* Activity log plugin extensions are also hidden when the WP Activity Log plugin is hidden from the plugins page.
* Removed all the code that was previously used for migration of events between the WordPress and external database.
* Remove code that is no longer required in the free edition of the plugin.
* Better support for plugins that still use old methods (old use of the lostpassword_post filter) to allow users to reset their password without an error. 
* All database events have been moved under the "WordPress & System" tab in the Enable/Disable events section.
* Improved the text of the plugin's install wizard.
* Live notifications in Admin toolbar are now disabled by default (performance enhancement).
* Amazon AWS library is disabled by default. Users will be alerted to initialize it from wp-config.php if required.
* Added the ";" as separator in the meta data section in CSV reports.
* Removed the event ID 4-digits limit to allow users to declare event IDs with 5+ digits.
* CSV reports now show the right username & display name, as configured in the plugin settings.

Bug fixes
* Plugin was not capturing user logouts from Ultimate Member plugin profile page.
* Plugin was reporting wrong directory name in URL in event ID 2101 on a multisite environment.
* In specific scenarios the plugin reported a custom field name as NULL in event ID 2054.
* Fixed the broken link to user profile page in event ID 4001.
* Event ID 4029 (user sent a password request) had the wrong Event Type.

Refer to the complete plugin changelog for more detailed information about what was new, improved and fixed in previous versions of the WP Activity Log plugin.