Microsoft Azure Storage for WordPress


This WordPress plugin allows you to use Microsoft Azure Storage Service to host your media and uploads for your WordPress powered website. Microsoft Azure Storage is an effective way to infinitely scale storage of your site and leverage Azure’s global infrastructure.

For more details on Microsoft Azure Storage, please visit the Microsoft Azure website.

Known Issues

Storage Account Versions

Storage accounts can be created via CLI, classic Azure portal, or the new Azure portal,
with varying results.

If a Storage account is created with the new Azure portal, authentication will fail,
resulting in the inability to view/add containers or files. Creating a Storage account
with the Azure CLI should allow the plugin to work with new Storage accounts.

Responsive Images in WordPress 4.4

Images uploaded to the Azure Storage service will not automatically receive responsive versions.
Images added through the WordPress Media Loader should get automatically converted to responsive
images when inserted into a post or page.
We are investigating options for full support of responsive images in the plugin.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/windows-azure-storage directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Use the Settings->Microsoft Azure screen to configure the plugin.

For multisites or to enforce Azure Blob Storage settings, you can define the following constants in wp-config.php:

  • MICROSOFT_AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY – Account Primary Access Key
  • MICROSOFT_AZURE_CONTAINER – Azure Blob Container
  • MICROSOFT_AZURE_CNAME – Domain: must start with http(s)://
  • MICROSOFT_AZURE_USE_FOR_DEFAULT_UPLOAD – boolean (default false)

See Settings->Microsoft Azure for more information.


October 9, 2021
It works excellent, it is the only plugin there is, I am glad that it has no problems.
February 27, 2021
There are 5 pages of reported issues for this plugin. Most of them without any answer. Uploading a file while enabled "Auto remove local files" shows infinity loading. Too bad. Azure is a great AWS S3 alternative. Without any maintained plugin for WordPress. Shame.
March 13, 2020
Another quality plugin from the folks at 10up. I had used the S3 offloader from Delicious Brains for other projects, but the current client is using Azure. This plugin is about as one-click easy as it gets, and it works well.
March 9, 2020
This is nice plugin with easy setup (if you know what you are doing). If you setup Azure Storage Container with a CNAME, you will get lovely external storage for you uploads, where URLs will show as something else or so which is perfect solution for me.
December 9, 2019
It claims that files are uploaded, but they do not get saved in Azure Storage.
Read all 12 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Microsoft Azure Storage for WordPress” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Microsoft Azure Storage for WordPress” has been translated into 1 locale. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Microsoft Azure Storage for WordPress” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.




  • Fixed: Restore visual indicator of upload progress to Azure Blob Storage and account for original_image in count (props @rickalee, @moraleidame).
  • Fixed: Ensure PDF thumbnails are offloaded with JPEG mimetype instead of PDF (props @rickalee)
  • Fixed: Normalize file paths on Windows Server (props @nanasess)


  • Added: Support for Media Library upload process change introduced in WordPress 5.3.
  • Added: Offload original_image file introduced in WordPress 5.3.
  • Fixed: Issue with special characters in filenames with url encoding.
  • Fixed: Issue with media regeneration via WP CLI.


  • Added: Ability to setup Azure settings using constants in wp-config.php.
  • Fixed: Images uploading issue in the multisite environment, now it doesn’t strip sites/{id} from filename.
  • Fixed: srcset issue for images uploaded before 4.2.0 version.
  • Fixed: Issue with special characters in filenames with url encoding.


  • Changed: Updated authors list.
  • Removed: Build tools from the plugin repository.


  • Added: Error message when SimpleXML library is not found.
  • Added: Ability to enter Cache-Control property.
  • Changed: Renamed plugin to be Microsoft Azure Storage for WordPress.
  • Fixed: Trailing slash issue which led to double slashes in URLs.
  • Fixed: Minor warnings.


  • Added: POT file and loaded text domain.
  • Fixed: Uploading issue when year/month based folders are not used.
  • Fixed: CNAME issue in the srcset attribute when yar/month based folders are not used.


  • Fixed: Bug for 0-byte uploads.


  • Fixed: Blob name while media file.
  • Fixed: Show admin notice if can’t access files directly.


  • Added: Compatibility with API version 2015-12-11.
  • Added: Compatibility with PHP 5.3+.
  • Added: L10N/I18N: Round 2 of preparing strings for translation.
  • Added: Integrated Azure Blob browser into WordPress Media Library.
  • Added: Option to keep local files after uploading them to Azure Blob.
  • Added: Introduced filter azure_blob_operation_timeout which defines REST operation timeout.
  • Added: Introduced filter azure_blob_list_containers_max_results which defines max size of containers listing per one request.
  • Added: Introduced filter azure_blob_list_blobs_max_results which defines max size of blobs listing per one request.
  • Added: Introduced filter azure_blob_put_blob_headers which defines headers used for creating new blob.
  • Added: Introduced filter azure_blob_append_blob_headers which defines headers used for appending created blob.
  • Changed: Removed old PHP SDK and use WordPress HTTP API based client library.
  • Changed: Improved overall performance.
  • Changed: Refactored code to match WordPress standards.
  • Changed: Better UX by adding more feedback during long operations.
  • Changed: Deduplicated code functionality.
  • Security: Validate, sanitize, and escape (allthethings).


  • Fixed: Upload nonce checks.
  • Fixed: Media: AYS checks on browse.


  • Added: L10N/I18N: Round 1 of preparing strings for translation.
  • Added: srcset to images added through the Media Library when Azure is the default media handler. (Props @patricknami).
  • Changed: UI: Editor button more closely matches the WordPress Admin UI.
  • Security: Fixes a bug that could allow unauthorized deletion of remotely-stored media.
  • Security: Validate, sanitize, and escape (allthethings).
  • Security: Use https:// URLs by default, and warn if an insecure CNAME is configured.
  • Security: Introduce permissions checks for specific actions within the plugin.


  • Fixed: Network activation bug in WordPress multisite.
  • Fixed: Issue with duplicate blob names in XML-RPC.


  • Fixed: Issue with duplicate blob names.
  • Fixed: Bug in uploading video files to blob storage.
  • Fixed: Bug with forward slash in front of image thumbnail filenames.
  • Fixed: Bug with year and month getting trimmed for file system images.



  • Fixed: Case sensitivity error in file names on Linux.


  • Fixed: Bug in generating blob storage URL when using Microsoft Azure Storage emulator.


  • Added: Support to upload video files to blob storage.


  • Added: support to upload video files to blob storage.


  • Added: Included Microsoft Azure SDK for PHP v4.1.0 with the plugin. Now setting mime-type for uploaded file to blob storage.


  • Added: Included Microsoft Azure SDK for PHP v4.0.2 with the plugin.


  • Added: Included Microsoft Azure SDK for PHP v4.0.1 with the plugin, so no need to install the SDK separetely.
  • Fixed: Thumbnail handling issue while uploading files when some specific theme is enabled.


  • Added: Compatibility with Microsoft Azure SDK for PHP v3.0.0.
  • Fixed: Issue with deleting media files when thumbnails are associated.


  • Added: Compatibility with Microsoft Azure SDK for PHP v2.1.0 and WordPress 3.1.


  • First release of Microsoft Azure Storage plugin for WordPress.