
Make WordPress Core

Custom Query


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Results (14)

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#48654 Consider a solution/endpoint to lazy-load scripts and styles assigned has-patch commit spacedmonkey task (blessed) high
#15499 Add an index for get_lastpostmodified query reviewing has-patch dev-feedback 4.1-early commit SergeyBiryukov enhancement normal
#17924 Make Integrating Multiple Roles Per User Easier for Plugin Authors new has-patch 2nd-opinion commit dev-feedback enhancement normal
#37114 Allow short-circuiting `get_post_class` for performance new has-patch commit enhancement normal
#37353 Unify look and feel of search forms and results across the admin accepted has-screenshots uniform-search has-patch commit audrasjb defect (bug) normal
#41902 wp-load.php: comment for error reporting levels accepted has-patch commit schlessera enhancement normal
#50414 Privacy policy setting page bottom, it needs to remove colon instead of Or. accepted has-patch has-screenshots commit garrett-eclipse defect (bug) normal
#50706 Block Editor: Apply allowed_block_types filter to registered blocks accepted has-patch commit youknowriad defect (bug) normal
#50809 Twenty Thirteen: Wrong color for social icons accepted has-screenshots good-first-bug has-patch commit Shital Patel defect (bug) normal
#50828 Update ca-bundle.crt and remove expired certificates new commit has-patch defect (bug) normal
#50902 Build/CI: fix running of the unit tests on PHP 8/nightly reviewing has-patch php8 commit has-unit-tests SergeyBiryukov task (blessed) normal
#51012 Menu dashicons should be hidden from assistive technology accepted good-first-bug has-patch commit audrasjb defect (bug) normal
#51219 Theme editor page showing undefined variable notice reopened commit fixed-major SergeyBiryukov defect (bug) normal
#51231 prepare_attributes_for_render should pass $attribute_name to rest_validate_value_from_schema new commit defect (bug) normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.