Support » Plugin: WP Approve User » Minor conflict with Buddypress

  • Resolved naomir


    I have Buddypress activation enabled so when a user signs up to the site they get an email and have to click a link to activate their account.

    Users who have not activated their accounts yet show as “pending” in the user dashboard.

    The problem is that WP Approve User includes these pending users in the count of unapproved users. So for example if there are 2 pending users and 5 users who have activated their accounts and are awaiting approval, it will say there are 7 unapproved users. When you actually list the unapproved users, it works correctly, in that it does not include the pending ones. But the count is incorrect.

    I have done some debugging and I can see what is happening. WP Approve User does not take into account whether accounts are activated or not when it counts unapproved users. Then when the list is displayed (I’m guessing), Buddypress applies a filter, only showing activated accounts.

    Do you have any suggestions of what to do about this?

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  • Plugin Author Konstantin Obenland


    It’s entirely possible that this plugin is incompatible with Buddypress.
    Unfortunately I currently don’t have the capacity to add that and keep up with Buddypress changes. 🙁

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