Support » Plugin: Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth » Photon inserting images in post content

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  • Plugin Support KokkieH


    Hello Hubert,

    I’ve opened a bug report in so our developers can look into this. You’re welcome to follow along there.

    Thread Starter Hubert Nguyen


    Much appreciated!

    Plugin Author Brandon Kraft


    Code Wrangler

    @hubertnguyen Thanks for the report. We’re working on resolving this in the next couple of days for the upcoming Jetpack release, but I’m not able to duplicate it.

    Can you confirm if you’re still seeing this behavior? If you are, can you confirm which version of Jetpack, WordPress, and if you’re using the Gutenberg plugin or not (and if you re, which version?)?

    Thank you for the assistance!

    Plugin Author Brandon Kraft


    Code Wrangler

    Actually, I’ve been working with this awhile today. It has something to do, it seems, with the image sizes being uploaded. We’re still working on it!

    Thread Starter Hubert Nguyen


    Replied on GitHub

    Plugin Contributor James Huff


    Volunteer Moderator

    Thanks! Our developers will follow-up there as soon as they can.

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