Blog by phone: Not so simple

I’ve been trying to get the ability to post pictures to my blog from my phone working for the last week or so. Previously, I used Postie for this sort of thing, but since I’ve switched to GoDaddy hosting, I’ve discovered that that method just don’t work. The fault is, basically, GoDaddy’s shared hosting plan and their insane method of supporting PHP. Ugh. I will not be renewing my hosting with them. I may switch hosts and attempt to get a refund on the remainder, actually.

So I tried a few other tricks. XML-RPC works and I can post from my phone with it, however the clients I’ve put on the phone don’t support pictures too well, or the phone doesn’t support the clients too well, or some damn thing like that. I dunno yet. I tried to get a cable for my phone to let me hack it open a bit wider and allow that sort of thing to work, but finding one turns out to be difficult on short notice. Stores just don’t have them.

So I tried blogmailr. It’s a service that combines the two.. You send email to it, it converts it into an XML-RPC post to your blog. That works too, but photos don’t seem to survive the transition. I suspect this is a problem with blogmailr.

All in all, it looks like I’ll be unable to post photos of my trip this next week on a “live” basis. So just look forward to a gallery of images when I return instead. I’ll have to sort out the live posting capabilities that I used to have sometime later.