Upcoming Performances

Browse our upcoming concerts, StudioCasts, tours, festivals and special events that await in 2022.

Upcoming Performances

Beethoven  Bridgetower
  • ACO StudioCasts

Beethoven & Bridgetower

Streaming from Wed 24 Nov, 8:00pm

2022- Event Hero - SKETCH SPAIN
  • National Concert Season

Sketches Of Spain

31 Mar - 13 Apr 2022

2022- Event Hero - MOZART BRITTEN
  • National Concert Season

Relaxed Performance - Mozart & Britten

10 June 2022


An Unauthorised History Of Classical Music

25 Jul - 15 Aug 2022

2022- Event Hero - BACH
  • National Concert Season

Relaxed Performance - Bach

29 July 2022

2022- Event Hero - PIAZZOLLA
  • National Concert Season

Relaxed Performance - Piazzolla

26 August 2022

2022- Event Hero - SCHUBERTS TROUT
  • National Concert Season

Schubert's Trout

15 - 28 September 2022

2022- Event Hero - THE AMERICAN
  • National Concert Season

Relaxed Performance - The American

2 December 2022

  • ACO StudioCasts

StudioCasts - 12 months - EXTENSION

12 months - EXTENSION

  • ACO StudioCasts

StudioCasts - 12 months - NEW

12 months - NEW

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