Tag Archives: phpdoc

WordPress weekly digest 10th March to 16th March 2008

It was a busy week again for WordPress 2.5, the changes were:

  • Addition of sanitization to get_link() and get_link_to_edit() (#6125).
  • phpDoc with copyright and licensing info to external ftp libs (#6155).
  • Improved self links for feeds (#5238).
  • Introduction of a per-user admin colour scheme selector (#6167).
  • Changes to move the restrict_manage_posts hook back inside the form (#6196).
  • A new filter to allow plugins to filter the fetched pingback source data (#3525).
  • Improvements to the export file to enclose more data in CDATA sections so as to produce more valid xml. (#4242).
  • Changes to wp_nonce_field(), wp_referrer_field() and wp_original_referer_field() so they can return the output rather than echoing (#3628).
  • Switch from addLoadEvent to jQuery(document).ready for kicking off javascript code (#6241).
  • Enhancements to the MT importer to import keywords as tags (#4472).
  • Update to TinyMCE 3.05 (#6195).
  • More work on the plugin updater (#5586).
  • More updates to the new media library (#5911).
  • Lots of updates to the new admin style.

For more information of the per-user admin stylesheet selector and examples of how to add your own themes you can read Ozh’s excellent post Per User Custom Stylesheet in WordPress 2.5″

For even more information on some of the other little changes that went in this week you can read the whole weekly trac timeline.

WordPress weekly digest 14th January to 20th January 2008

It has been a busy week again for WordPress 2.5, the changes this week were:

  • Changes to the blogger importer to have a better statement of requirements (#5220).
  • Updates to get_sidebar() to allow for multiple named sidebars (#5615).
  • Removal of the redundant and slow check on $now in the SQL queries in get_lastcommentmodified() (#5650).
  • Changes to the url sanitisation to allow for parenthesis (#5668).
  • Fixes to url_to_postid() to ensure it doesn’t mangle the url it is trying to match (#5661).
  • Refactoring of the admin code to make the WP_User_Search class available to plugin authors (#5111).
  • Changes to wp_tag_cloud() to ensure that it returns the array if 'format=array' is specified (#5155).
  • Extensions to the html tags and attributes that kses will allow in posts (#5617).
  • Upgrade of the jQuery library to 1.2.2 (#5492).
  • Improvements to the plugin error detection code to ensure that the errors are correctly displayed (#5673, #5658).
  • Documentation updates for kses.php and pluggable.php (#5641, #5509).
  • Initial migration to TinyMCE v3.0 RC1 (#5674).
  • New functionality to allow for editing of post slugs within there permalink context (#5679).
  • Addition of more do_action calls to the xmlrpc functions (#5686).
  • Changes to the APP implementation to ensure that timestamps can be updated on already published posts (#5680).

For even more information on some of the other little changes that went in this week you can read the whole weekly trac timeline.

WordPress weekly digest 7th January to 13th January 2008

It has been a busy week again for WordPress 2.5, the changes this week were:

  • Update of the jQuery form pluginto the latest version (#5048).
  • Addition of mass select functionality to the user editing page (#5592).
  • Pass extra information to the filters in get_lastpostdate() and get_lastpostmodified() (#5292).
  • Introduction of a new interface for widget management (#5583).
  • A switch to jQuery color for fades instead of FAT (#5369).
  • Introduction of a newimage uploader (#5609).
  • Addition of the ability to re-activate all the plugins deactivated by the deactivate all button (#4176).
  • Changes to ensure that the current user information is setup before the init hook fires (#4181).
  • Introduction of “Just-In-Time” loading of the tinymce translations (#5605).
  • New interface for category addition and setting in the Write->Post page (#5618).
  • Documentation for locale.php and pluggable.php (#5621, #5509).
  • Fixes for some PHP E_NOTICE messages when WP_DEBUG is enabled (#5607).
  • Changes to ensure that post GUIDs are retained when importing from RSS (#5589).
  • Introduction of new xmlrpc functions to get a list of valid post and page statuses (#5569).
  • Addition of the abilioty to limit the depth of the tree displayed by wp_list_categories() (#2461).
  • Reversion of the change to sent the “Sender” in wp_mail() (#5273).
  • Optimisation of the SQL query used to determine what urls are awaiting pinging (#5649).

For even more information on some of the other little changes that went in this week you can read the whole weekly trac timeline.

WordPress weekly digest 31st December 2007 to 6th January 2008

It has been a busy week again for WordPress 2.4 2.5, the changes this week were:

  • Separation of cookie generation from cookie setting by introduce wp_generate_auth_cookie() (#5367).
  • Changes to allow filtering the view of available themes based on theme tags (#5545).
  • Improvements in the WXR importer to defer post comment counting during importing (#5557).
  • Allow translation of calendar caption (#5562).
  • Introduction of a new xmlrpc method wp.getCommentCount() (#5463).
  • New API for setting a posts “type” (#4844).
  • Addition of a separator location argument to wp_title() to allow for changing the ordering of the output – effectively integrating the popular Optimal Title plugin (#4407).
  • Removal of the file based persistence of the WordPress object cache (#5570).
  • Introduction of auto-suggest for tag entering ([6542]).
  • phpdoc for cache.php, comment.php, l10n.php and registration.php (#5511, #5578, #5590 and #4383,).
  • File level phpdoc for a whole raft of files (#5572).
  • Work on transitioning the admin autosave javascript over to using jQuery (#3842).
  • Improvements to the javascript that enabled switching between Visual and Code editors so as to not mangle table markup (#5577).
  • A new interface for selecting which widgets you want on which sidebar (#5583).
  • Changes to the dual visual/code editors to remember which one you used last (#3978).

As you will have probably read elsewhere the next major WordPress version will v2.5 as is to be released in March.

For even more information on some of the other little changes that went in this week you can read the whole weekly trac timeline.

WordPress weekly digest 24th December to 30th December 2007

It has been a busy week again for WordPress 2.4, the changes this week were:

  • Improvements and refactoring of the WXR importer including supporting zipped xml files (#5522).
  • Changes to allow the salt used by WordPress in password generation and other areas to be overridden using a define ([6478]).
  • Documentation for author-template.php, bookmark.php, bookmark-template.php, template-loader.php, compat.php, canonical.php, comment-template.php and file level phpdoc for some other files. (#4393, #5523, #5521, #5513, #5510, #5526, #5528, and #5527 ).
  • Improved implementation of the javascript addLoadEvent function to speed up the execution of javascript on admin pages ([6482]).
  • Changes to wp-mail.php to escape the error messages when displaying them to avoid a possible XSS attack (#5484).
  • Changes to ensure that the post password is only exposed by the xmlrpc method metaWeblog.getRecentPosts to users with rights to edit a post (#5535).
  • Changes to the information exposed the wp.getAuthors xmlrpc method to reduce the information exposed and add a capabilites check (#5534).
  • Addition of extra capabilites checks to xmlrpc methods ([6504]).
  • Addition of extra capabilites checks to APP server ([6508]).
  • Changes to validate_file() to improve its traversal attempt detection when running on windows ([6521]).
  • Changes to the magic number detection for gettext file loading for better support of 64bit systems (#3780).
  • Fixes to the tag extraction code so as to not strip ‘s’ from either end (#5539).
  • Updated javascript libraries -Prototype 1.6.0 and script.aculo.us 1.8.0 (#5543).
  • Introduction of deprecated function and file use tracking functionality to allow for theme and plugin developers to easily identify what is deprecated. (#4361).
  • Better documentation for the_author() and prep_atom_text_construct() ([6515], [6516]).
  • Final deprecation of comments_rss() and create_user() ([6517]).
  • A change to avoid variable expansion in the invalid $table_prefix error message (#5546).

This week the list of changes is quite long event though a lot of time was spent on the preparation and testing of the recent WordPress 2.3.2 maintenance release for which you can read a detailed list of the changes here – don’t forget to upgrade!

You can read more about the support for theme and plugin developers to help identify what deprecated functions or files they might be using in this post – “Tracking deprecated functions”

For even more information on some of the other little changes that went in this week you can read the whole weekly trac timeline.

WordPress weekly digest 17th December to 23rd December 2007

It has been a very busy week for WordPress 2.4, partly due to a mid week bug-hunt, the changes this week were:

  • Introduction of a wp_set_password() pluggable function to allow it to be overridden easily (#2394).
  • Changes to is_page() to allow for an array of pages to be specified (#5430).
  • Faster rewrite rules for pages for some permalink structures (#3614).
  • Escaping added to the POP3 error messages to avoid XSS attacks (#5484).
  • Fixes to the valid element configuration of TinyMCE to allow for more valid combinations (#3826).
  • Fixes to the tag entry field to avoid erroneous blank tags (#5412).
  • Changes to sanitize_title() to allow ‘0’ to be a valid title (#5293).
  • New get_search_feed_link() and get_search_comments_feed_link() template tags (#5442).
  • Improvements to the relative links provided in atom comments feeds (#5435).
  • Addition of an xmlrpc method for deleting categories (#4599).
  • Custom field support for the xmlrpc interface (#5148).
  • Addition of a password strength meter to the user profile page (#4470).
  • Improvements to the strings used where a different message text is displayed for plurals (#4865).
  • Add a link to the relevant post to the comment editing screen (#4345).
  • Documentation for wp-settings.php (#5211).
  • Fixes for some of the NOTICE errors visible when WP_DEBUG is enabled ([6435], [6436]).
  • Improvements to the image metadata extraction functionality to ensure we only try and extra metadata from valid file types (#5397).
  • Changes to ensure that PNG transparency and alpha channels are preserved during thumbnail generation (#2805).
  • Addition of file level documentation to the third party libraries (#5443).
  • Changes to the wpdb class to suppress database errors by default (#5473).
  • Support for a custom database down page (#5500).
  • Improvements to make_clickable() to have different rules for different uri types ([6449]).
  • Improvements to the install process to check for valid database connection info (#5495).
  • Addition of pages to the things searched (#5149).
  • Addition of new actions import_done and xmlrpc_call ([6472], [6473]).

We have also seen the beginnings of the new admin design being checked in. Hopefully next week I will be able to bring you some screenshots!

For even more information on some of the other little changes that went in this week you can read the whole weekly trac timeline.