Celebrate SFD on Saturday 18 September 2021

Let's celebrate Software Freedom Day

Software Freedom Day (SFD) is an annual worldwide celebration of Free Software. SFD is a public education effort with the aim of increasing awareness of Free Software and its virtues, and encouraging its use.

Software Freedom Day was established in 2004 and was first observed on 28 August of that year. About 12 teams participated in the first Software Freedom Day. Since that time it has grown in popularity and every year we have more than 300 events organized by over 100 cities from the world.

Check out our event map…

What is Free Software?

Free as in freedom!

Expert Teachers

Free to Use

The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose.
Grow Your Skills

Free to Study

The freedom to study how the program works, and modify it.
Trusted worldwide

Free to Distribute

The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor.
Built for Learning

Free to Modify

The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others.
Outstanding Features

Free to Access

The freedom to access to the source code of the software.
Dream Jobs

It's all about sharing!

From before we can even remember, most of us were taught to share.

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