Happy Software Freedom Day 2021

We want to wish you a happy Software Freedom Day 2021 and hope everything will go as planned!

We stepped in the Christchurch event in New Zealand earlier today and were very impressed with their Jitsi set up, using the Jitsi free public plan.

We are still seeing teams registering as we're writing this email so 2021 should be a good sign of what we can do individually during times like this. And celebration can definitely postponed should you not have had the time or the opportunity to organize for today!

Hopefully we are going to strengthen up our team very very soon and provide better support for the other upcoming celebrations.

In the meantime you can check all the current events on our SFD Map and browse the wiki should you not find any team in your area.

One of the good sides of this year is that most events are virtual, and like us, you can probably find one within your time zone and in your language.

SFD remains one of the events with the most represented languages and places in the world and we should be proud of that!

Thank you all for your continuous participation and happy SFD!

Happy Software Freedom Day 2019!

The Digital Freedom Foundation is very happy to announce that today is Software Freedom Day! You can head towards the SFD 2019 map to find an event in your area or simply decide you run your own by follwing the steps below:
1. Create a wiki account if you don't already have one
2. Create a wiki page in your area under this page
3. Go to the registration page to register and let us know exactly who and where you are.

At the end of all this you'll appear on the SFD 2019 Map and can read our exhaustive StartGuide to gather a few ideas. Should you have any question you can as well post any question on the SFD-Discuss mailing list where a few old timers (and young timers) will happily try to figure things out.

So get ready to celebrate and happy preparations to all!

The Digital Freedom Foundation

2018 SFD registration is on!

SFD Registration is on

This is with great pleasure that we are opening registration for SFD 2018. This year Software Freedom Day is happening on Saturday September 15th everywhere around the world (or almost). While the SFD wiki was ready to create and update your event page we did a soft launch for the registration at the beginning of the month and have had so far 2 registration emails which didn't reach the team leaders. If this happens to you check your SPAM folder and eventually email us on SFD-Discuss mailing list. Apart from that everything seems to be running smoothly.

On the sponsors side as we have received questions in the sfd-discuss mailing list so we would like to thank Linode, Canonical, for providing hosting, mailing list and some technical support for longer than we can remember. On the funding part however we haven't received any money from anyone for the 4th consecutive year due to relocation of our organization and various other issues. We do however want to thank Google for their continuous support and hope we will resume receiving funding very soon.

So as usual registering an SFD event is as simple as 1-2-3:

At the end of all this you'll appear on the SFD 2018 Map with all the other teams here and be easy to spot.

If you need further information we have an exhaustive guide here at the wiki StartGuide page for newcomers and for the others who need help, and the SFD-Discuss mailing list is probably the best place to get prompt support.

We have also the SFD countdown ready and in 7 languages. You can find further information here.

So all the best and get ready for Software Freedom Day 2018.

Thank you very much and happy SFD!

The Digital Freedom Foundation

Happy Document Freedom Day 2018!

We cannot read your documents

Another year and another important celebration! As the image above clear states creating work which can be read by everyone at any point in time is a very important endeavor for us and not something that propriatary software makers care much about. On the contrary sales and profits are what matter to them and for that reason they use propriatary format, ensuring that people will only buy their software to open the files they are creating and receiving everyday.

Today we go out again to discuss with people around us and explain how crucial it is to open letters written decenies ago by our loved ones but also how libraries, companies and the society as a whole needs to be able to reuse data created over time and not be hindered by either suppliers' profit making objectives or just companies which no longer exist today and do not provide a mean to open documents generated using their software.

So with a hint of urgency and a lot of charisma let us go out and celebrate Document Freedom Day! You can check the currently registered events right here on DFD website.

...and today is Software Freedom Day!

For its fourteenth edition the Digital Freedom Foundation is happy to celebrate Software Freedom Day! At the time of this writting we have 112 teams listed on the wiki and about 80+ events registered. Over the year we've notice that this "double registration process" (creating a wiki page and then filling the registration form) is a bit difficult for some of our participants and we wish to change that. In the plan for the coming months we plan to have a single registration process which will in turn generate a wiki page. We also want to display the event date as some of us cannot celebrate exactly on this international day due to local celebrations or other reasons.

Never the less please do look on the map and in the country listing and find an event in your area. If there is none, maybe it's a good opportunity to start an event with your community! And then join us and celebrate!

Happy SFD to all!

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