Theme Check Plugin

Note: Information on this page may be out of date.

The following are all the checks that the Theme Check plugin performs.

Themes have to pass the Theme Check plugin without errors before they can be included in the theme directory.

You can get the plugin from the plugin directory or you can get the developer version on Github.

Admin menu Admin menu

  • Check for levels deprecated in 2.0 in creating menus.
  • Check for add_admin_page

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Check for bad things Check for bad things

  • Themes should not change server PHP settings
  • base64_decode() is not allowed
  • base64_encode() is not allowed
  • uudecode() is not allowed
  • str_rot13() is not allowed
  • Google search code detected
  • Google advertising code detected
  • eval() is not allowed.
  • PHP system calls are often disabled by server admins and should not be in themes

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String checks String checks

  • wp_footer
  • wp_head
  • language_attributes
  • charset
  • add_theme_support
  • comments_template
  • wp_list_comments
  • comment_form
  • body_class
  • wp_link_pages
  • post_class
  • comment-reply
  • body_class
  • register_sidebar() or register_sidebars()

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  • bootstrap-maxcdn
  • bootstrap-netdna
  • bootswatch-maxcdn
  • bootswatch-netdna
  • font-awesome-maxcdn
  • font-awesome-netdna
  • html5shiv-google
  • html5shiv-maxcdn
  • jquery
  • respond-js

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Constants Constants

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General General

  • $content_width

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Customization Customization

  • add_setting sanitization callback
  • Sanization callbacks

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Deprecation checks Deprecation checks

  • All the following deprecated:
    • checks:

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Line endings Line endings

  • DOS or UNIX style line endings

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Additional checks Additional checks

  • .git
  • .svn
  • File checks:
  • readme.txt
  • Supports standard avatar functions
  • Il8N errors
  • PHP filesystem calls
  • PHP short tags
  • Pagination code
  • home_url() correct use
  • site_url() correct use
  • get_search_form rather than searchform.php
  • Tags
  • wp_title
  • hardcoded text in title tag
  • Use *_url() template tags, rather than bloginfo() equivalents.
  • No disabling of the admin toolbar.

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Text domain Text domain

  • If one exists
  • Matches theme slug

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Styles Styles

  • Theme name
  • Description
  • Author (recommended)
  • Version
  • License
  • License URI
  • .sticky
  • .bypostauthor
  • .alignleft
  • .alignright
  • .aligncenter
  • .wp-caption
  • .wp-caption-text
  • .gallery-caption

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Screenshot Screenshot

  • Correct size and dimensions (1200×900 preferred)
  • That a screenshot exists

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Plugin Territory Plugin Territory

  • register_post_type
  • register_taxonomy
  • shortcodes (warning only)

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Widgets Widgets

  • register_sidebar() anddynamic_sidebar
  • Sidebars registered through widgets_init

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  • add_editor_style
  • the_post_thumbnail()
  • sidebar/widget area

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Security Security

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Info Info

  • iframes
  • include or require and advise should use template loading
  • possible hardcoded links
  • nav-menu check
  • non-printable characters
  • post format check for implementation (if you load it use it)
  • hardcoded dates

Last updated: